Ch.8 Reunion And Getting Saved

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//(In Zalgo's Office)// 

"Master Zalgo, We retrieved (Y/N) as you asked. She's resting in the spare room as we speak. But she does have a couple of scars on her." Scarlett says walking in Zalgo's office. "So she's a fighter. That's my baby girl. When she wakes up bring her to me. I wanna see what she has turned into. Let's just hope she remembers me." Zalgo said happily. "Yes Master Zalgo." Scarlett said bowing and leaving the office.

//(2 Hour Time Skip)//

You finally woke up, you have a massive headache. You were in a black and red room. You didn't know where you are. "Uh Where am I????" You asked yourself confusedly. >I think we're in Zalgo's Mansion... This isn't good. We need to get out of here asap.< Sam said. You got off the bed and walked over to the door. Peaking out to make sure no one was around. The coast was clear. You went left. 

//( 5 Minute Time Skip)//

You were walking down some hallway with what looks like some pictures of you when you were little and 3 other kids. "(Y/N)? Is that really you?" A voice asked coming from behind you. You turned around to see a young girl, 16 to be exact. She has long pinkish-red hair, which almost touched the floor and covered her eyes. She was short and she also had freckles on her checks onto her nose. She had long bunny ear and a bunny tail. She looks like one of those innocent little girl but are actually crazy or psycho. "Oh. Hey Gabriella." You say with a smile happily and waving at Gabriella. She was crying. She ran to you giving you a tight hug. You hugged her back. "I can't believe you actually remember me." She says looking up at you still crying. "Of course I remember you," You say wiping away her tears. "How could I not?" You say giving her a closed eye smile. She smiles back. "Come on! Dad been wanting to see you." She says grabbing your wrist and start pulling you. 

//(15 Minute Time Skip)//

After 15 minutes of running upstairs, turning left and right. You and Gabriella finally came to a stop in front of a big red door. Gabriella push open the door to reveal a huge office looking room, with 3 people inside. Max and Scarlett was standing on both sides of a desk. There was a demon sitting behind the desk. You turned yourself into a wolf pup due to being scared. "Dad! I have someone you wanna see!" Gabi said holding you in her arms. "Gabriella! Who is it you want me to see?" Zalgo asks picking Gabi up and setting her in his lap. Gabriella sat you in Zalgo's lap. You started sweating nervously. "Uhh....Rawr?"

//(At Slenderman's Mansion)//

"Wtf just happened?!?" Jeff asked still confusedly outraged.

"Idk but we have to go save her. Who knows what they are doing to her right now." Jack said worried. Ben, EJ, Jeff, Toby, Hoodie and Masky agreed to go with him to save you. And Slenderman is going so nothing too bad can happen.

"We?" Jane questioned. "We are not going anywhere. We couldn't care less what's happening to (Y/N). Right, girls?" Jane asked. The girls agreed with her. Jack was pissed. How could they be so heartless? (Y/N) was the sweetest/cutest thing here. (Your welcome) She's been nothing but nice to everyone. Including them. (Except Clockwork) How could they hate her so much? Jack was about to say something extremely cruel but took a deep breath and calmed down.

"Great. The less the better. Come on guys."

//(At Zalgo's Mansion)//

Zalgo stared at you blankly. You turned back into a human because your not used to been in your wolf form. You looked up at the demon scared. "(Y/N)!!" Zalgo said happily and hugged you tightly. "I'm sorry but I don't think I know you." You say as non-rudely as you could. Zalgo looked hurt for a moment. He put you and Gabi down and turn into his human form.

"Do you know me know?" Zalgo asked with his arms out as if asking for a hug.

"Dad? Dad!" You ran and hugged Zalgo tightly as tear ran down your right cheek. "It's really you! I missed you so much!" Zalgo hugged you back. 

"I missed you too, Sweetheart."

"Sorry to ruin this special moment," Scarlett said stepping toward you and Zalgo. "But you mean to tell us that this mutt is your daughter?"

"Wait...(Y/N) is Master Zalgo's daughter??" Max says confusedly.  "I have to delete those picture I have then..." Max whispers to himself.

"Wait what-" You say confused.

"Yes (Y/N) is my daughter. That's why I wanted you two to get her for her." Zalgo says letting go of you.

"Sooo we're gonna ignore what Max just said???" You say confused and slightly scared.

Angel, Vergil, and Charlie ran into the office in a panic. "Boss we have company." Then the office doors busted open to reveal Jack, Ben, EJ, Toby, Jeff, Hoodie, Masky, and Slenderman.

"(Y/N)!" Jack said happily.

"Jack?!" You said surprised.

"Slenderman." Zalgo said pissed.

"Zalgo." Slenderman said also pissed.

"Jeff." Scarlett said getting ready to attack.

"Scarlett." Jeff said take out his knives.

"Ben." Max said.

"Max." Ben said.

"Eyeless Jack." Angel said.

"Angel." EJ said.

"Hoodie." Vergil said.

"Vergil." Hoodie said.

"Masky." Charlie said.

"Charlie." Masky said.

"Gabiella!" Gabiella said happily.

"Toby!" Toby said also happily.

It was tense and quiet in the room. No one moved. 

"Now!" Jack yelled. Jeff threw his knife to Zalgo and his minions. It worked. Slenderman grabbed you with one of his tentacles and teleported back to the Mansion. Zalgo and his minions looked confused. "What the fuck??" Max said angry.

Laughing Jack x Half Wolf! Reader (Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now