merry, marry • bang chan

872 13 4

christmas special !!
member: christmas

"merry christmas! merry christmas! merry chr-"

chan groaned, clearly annoyed with me, "stop emphasising my name, y/n!" she pouted, looking at him with furrowed brows. "i was just excited." she crossed her arms.

he ruffled his hair, and couldn't help but smile at the cuteness of his girlfriend. it was early in the morning, about 5am. the couple woke up unexpectedly, not aware that it was christmas until y/n checked her phone.

they were tired, but they couldn't wait to give each other their presents. "baby, lay down. it's still very early." chan groaned, pulling his girlfriend back down into his arms. y/n smiled, closing her eyes as she snuggled closer to her human heater.

"aren't we lucky, we don't have work today?" y/n said happily, sitting up again. chan sighed, pulling her down once again. this time, he wrapped his arms tightly around her, preventing her from moving, "yes, now sleep."

she giggled, a lot of excitement filled her. she couldn't fall back to sleep that easily. slowly, her eyes drooped but chan's phone started to ring. she shot up, grabbing it quickly to answer the sudden call.

chan pulled the blankets over his head, trying to sleep. "feLiX nAviDaD!~" the boys sang from the other end, causing y/n to laugh, "merry christmas to you boys too!!" there was a lot of screaming and yelling on the other end, which caused the girl to facepalm. without their leader, they were a mess. "kids, calm yourselves." y/n stated, resulting to them shutting up.

"leader hyung is sleeping. you don't wanna disturb him, do you?" she questioned lightly. "no ma'am!!" the boys chorused, everyone laughing afterwards. they were discussing something that y/n wasn't able to hear, but she didn't care about it. "come over at noon, we'll be waiting for you all."

with that, she hung up. the group planned this before hand. everyone placed their presents under the tree the day before.

y/n heard chan's soft breathing. she knew he was asleep again, so she gently got out of bed, walking into the kitchen. there wasn't much to cook, so she just made some waffles. soon, chan walks into the kitchen quietly. he goes up behind y/n and wraps his arms around her waist.

"hey, baby," he said, leaning his head down on her shoulder, "is that for me?" chan eyed the waffles hungrily, making y/n laugh, "shut up, it's for us."

y/n, with the help of chan, put the plates on the dining table. one for her, one for chan, and one each for the others, who were arriving soon. the couple sat at the table for awhile, waiting for their teammates to arrive. suddenly, the door opens, revealing eight goofballs.

"we're here!!" jisung exclaimed happily, rushing to the table first. the others behind him struggled with the wrapped boxes, waddling over to the christmas tree. "more presents?" chan asked, peering over at the tree.

the boys smiled, putting their fingers towards their lips. everyone gathered at the table, and they started downing their waffles. "wah, this is great."

woojin swallowed his bite, "you know what would be better though?" he asked, looking at the members. before he could finish, the members groaned, "okay, chicken lord, we get it." woojin only had a satisfied smile on, as he finished his waffle.

once they finished, they placed their plates into the sink. chan and y/n spoke up about their jobs. "when one of us gets married, will the others be our photographers?" chan asked, receiving shocked looks from the others.

"what kind of question is that?!" felix exclaimed, "we aren't photographers for nothing." changbin added, followed by the nodding of heads.

chan nodded, satisfied with their answer. after, they all went out to park, where there was a lake, and where the sky was full of beautiful stars at night.

it's a weird idea, but the boys brought their presents out with them. y/n brought some plastic bags to put the wraps inside. it's never good to litter.

y/n grabbed a small box, about the size of her palm, and held it gently, as if it was a baby. it seemed special.

"let's sit here, there's a nice view!" hyunjin said, always aware for pretty sceneries. everyone set their gifts down, in a separate pile next to their group. the members conversed about many different things, waiting for time to pass by.

finally, it was time for them to open their presents. the majority of them were new cameras, as everyone was photographers. the boys exchanged gifts, bright smiles on their faces as they opened their presents.

after everyone was done, y/n took out a small wrapped box, holding it out to chan, "here baby, it's for you." she said, sweetly. chan smiled, opening the box. his smile brightened when he saw what she got him. "matching rings? i love it! let's put it on each other!!" chan exclaimed, excitedly, putting the ring on y/n's ring finger. "they're promise rings! cous i know you're the one for me." y/n said, putting the ring on his ring finger.

the members cringed at their leaders, watching them as they exchanged rings. it was cute, but where's the real ring?

chan grabbed y/n's hand, walking towards the beautiful scenery of the lake below the sparkling stars. inside chan's pocket was a hidden box that he kept from everyone. he held both of his girlfriend's hands, looking into her eyes.

"wah, your eyes are even prettier than the stars." he said lightly, making y/n blush. the boys were all around them, getting their cameras ready to take what's going to happen next.

"you're really the best girl i've ever met in my entire life. you've been with me through everything, and i can't thank you enough. you know everything about me, and that makes me kind of scared?" chan and the others laughed lightly, only y/n was laughing in tears. "oh no, baby- why're you crying?" chan laughed, wiping her tears away, "honestly, you're still so beautiful, crying or not. it's amazing, isn't it? how did i meet such an amazing girl? even the boys are proud of me for scoring you."

again, everyone laughed. chan was, and wasn't, the romantic type, but he can always find a way to win y/n's heart all over again. suddenly, he took out the small box from his pocket. chan kneeled down on one knee, making more tears fall down y/n's face.

the boys snapped pictures of the moment, proud of their leader for finally popping the question. "y/n," chan started, "will you marry me?" y/n choked on her sobs, "y-yes!" chan stood up, wrapping his koala arms around her small frame. bright smiles were on everyone's faces as the couple hugged.

chan let go, putting the real ring on her finger, above the promise ring. the leaders kissed, happy to have met each other. when they pulled away, the clock struck 12, it was now the new year.

fireworks were blasted into the sky, making the couple look up. the boys took pictures of everything. "i can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." the couple said, looking at each other lovingly. that sentence was how they started their new year.

in about five minutes, the romantic scene faded, however, the couple still held hands. they faced their members, smiling happily. "sooo,, are those pictures free?" y/n laughed lightly, making the boys look at them.

"okay, look—"

terrible aint it. im sorry mnvjrnis.

edit : yo i just realised that my dumb ass put christmas and new years together :/ where tf was my brain when i wrote this wtf

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