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The winters in Ansbach were much harsher than they were in Kattegat from what you could tell. As you carried the firewood you had purchased from the woodcutters, the freezing winds made your face feel like it was made of stone. Not that your arms weren't bothering you either. Carrying such a heavy bundle from town all the way to your small cottage, was no easy task. You had to stop time-to-time in order to give yourself a break. If you had enough coin to spare, you would have paid for a wagon to take you home. However, your funds were best saved for necessities.

"I hope Vera is not angry with me." You thought, hoping that your neighbor would be understanding.

She and her husband were kind people and since they didn't have children of their own, Vera often volunteered to watch your twins. Needless to say, you were thankful for their friendship. Especially since they were the only people you knew since unforeseen circumstances had changed your life.

As a Thrall back in Kattegat, you had spent most of your life in the employ of Mistresses who treated you quite well. The last one being being Queen Aslaug, wife of Ragnar Lothbrok. But before her, you had served Queen Lagertha, his first wife. She was also kind. In fact, she considered you a dear friend and you cared for her greatly. Your life was pretty good back then. Even when Lagertha left and Aslaug took her place, all seemed well.

As you walked the snowy and almost empty road towards home, you wondered why things had gone so wrong. But then again, from what you had been taught about the Gods, a person shouldn't question fate.



When you walked into the Great Hall, you spotted your husband seated upon his throne. As expected, Ivar was boasting loudly to his friend King Harald and his wife, Queen Astrid. Most of the faces at the feast were familiar to you however, you were saddened. Typically, you would see the five Ragnarssons sitting together at such events. But those times were over.

Poor Sigurd, who had always been kind to you, was long dead. He had been killed by Ivar himself. As for the others, Bjorn and Ubbe were preparing for war against your husband and Hvitserk.

"Y/N." Your drunk husband called out loudly over the music and chatter. "Come to me."

"How can he smile with everything that is going on?" You wondered.

It was madness and you wished you weren't involved. But what could you do? You were trapped in the middle of a blood-feud that you wanted no parts of. When Alsaug had been murdered, you had witnessed the entire thing. It hurt you to your core, but despite Lagertha's actions, you still cared for her. She was like a big sister to you, after all. When Ivar and Hvitserk defeated her forces and ran her out of Kattegat, you weren't sure what to think. All you knew was that you had distrusted Ivar ever since he had killed his brother.

Since he had always been the Ragnarsson that eyed you longer than the others, you feared him. As soon as he took the throne as King, he made you a personal Thrall, to serve his food and mead. But one night, after a feast, he refused to let you got to bed. Instead, he kept pulling you onto his lap until he finally caused you to burst into tears.

Though he allowed you to go to bed that particular night, the next few nights were the same. His hands roaming all over your body, practically begging you to lay with him. Each time, you refused. You had no desire to be anyone's bed-warmer, let alone the bed-warmer for Ivar the Boneless. One night, as you slept with the other Thralls, he had his guards seize you by force and brought to his chamber. As soon as the two of you were alone, Ivar laid with you by force. After that, he kept you as a lover for a few weeks before making you his wife.

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