Unsleepless Nights

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Have you ever had a moment of silence?Where all you can hear is whats around you, people talking outside late at night or cars rolling by your home with loud beats bumping against your thin walls or the times where you cant sleep because thoughts in your head keep going like your changing a channel on a television. I have, many times in my life. That's why i'm calling this story Unsleepless Night. I hope you guys like it.

                                                                                 Chapter 1

Its late at night and i cant seem to sleep. All I can hear is the fan spinning and the a/c blowing, while i sit up in my bed with the love of my life sleeping right next to me. I cant stop to wonder why we fought today. I hate having to go to sleep in a bad mood. I don't know how he does it, but he seems to just snore it away, I wish it could be that easy for me, to close my eyes and just lay my head in a pillow and just fall straight to sleep,  but its not because all that happens to me are endless thoughts running through my head. I just wish they would stop, i wish they would go away for a night and let me sleep in piece. What makes it worse is this silence all its doing to me is making me feel crazy inside, but the thing is i cant sleep with the television on because the lights bother me or the talking and the moving especially the snoring. I seem to be a very complicated women right? I'm pretty sure that's what my man thinks of me. 

I can still hear the fan spinning and the a/c blowing and all i can think about is if my baby girl is still up in her room watching a movie. She's worse then me, I woke up one morning at 5:38 exactly to go check up on her and you wouldn't guess what she was doing. I couldn't believe it myself, my little princess was still up watching movies. I finally had to shut her television off. Boy let me tell you she hated the idea, but she simply needed to go to bed. I had no other choice, but to turn it off. I bet if you asked her though, if she still loves me, she would say "with all my heart mama".

I hate not sleeping, I start cracking my fingers through the night, like a butch of times.The lack of sleep that i missed starts catching up on me. I start having weird thoughts go through my head that make no sence at all. I seem to think about my past alot, on what happend to my family. The thought that tarred us apart. I start to think about the future and what it holds for me. I end up thinking if i can succeed in life and become something of my self. Maybe tomorrow can be the day i sleep like a baby. Where only good thoughts run through my head, where no worries lies and negativitie or where a lullaby and rocking can put me to sleep. Do you see what i mean when silence and no sleep at all can do to me. It starts making you talk crazy. I'm pretty sure i am not alone on this. I would suggest nyquil, but im guessing medicine is never the solution. I am putting this momemnt of silence and endless sleep to rest. I'm going to close my eyes and just pretend that im not thinking of nothing at all. Putting my mind at blank and counting down from a hundred.

**thank you again for taking the time to read my story** Voters or comments will help to see if you guys like it**

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2014 ⏰

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