14 | WAIT, WHAT?

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Author's Note: wow ok so this took foreverrr. I just wanna say thank you so much for all the support! this chapter is honestly kinda crap (to me at least) but I hope you guys are able to enjoy it nonetheless :)


[Nova] welp im at my dads house with my twin
[Nova] im bored af
[Nova] ugggghhh
[Nova] what to do what to do...
[Nova] jazz would u AT LEAST let me know ur still alive? not 6 ft under?
[Nova] guess not fine then


Nova had been in Forks for only a couple days, and so far, she preferred it to traveling with her mother and Phil. Bella was still a mess, which was understandable. Nova was a bit of a mess as well.

The white-haired girl woke one morning to Bella knocking on her bedroom door. Nova groaned, rolling over in bed to try and avoid waking up. Bella, however, just barged into her room and blurted, "Wanna come with me to get more ice cream?"

Nova paused. She wanted ice cream, but not the mint ice cream Bella always bought. She didn't have anything better to do, although she could continue sleeping. If she continued sleeping, she might regret not going with Bella. She wanted to choose a good flavor, and maybe bond with her twin some more.

"Fine," Nova sighed. Bella left her room to give her privacy.

The white-haired girl dragged herself out of bed. She headed to the bathroom to wash her face, brush her teeth, brush her hair, and apply light concealer and mascara. Once that was done with, she returned to her bedroom to slip into a casual outfit. It consisted of black jeans, a white tanktop, a black leather jacket, and brown combat boots.

"Alright, onward!" Nova exclaimed dramatically upon entering the living room where Bella was waiting for her.

The two sisters headed out of the house and climbed into Bella's rusty truck. Then, they were pulling out of the driveway and heading down the road that would eventually get them to the store.

The drive was short and uneventful. Forks was a pretty small town, so it didn't take long for the pair to reach the store. Once they arrived, Bella parked meticulously and then hopped out.

Nova led the way to the store, with Bella following behind at a slightly slower pace. They headed straight for the ice cream aisle, where only one other person was shopping.

"We are true sister goals," Nova mused jokingly, searching through the flavors for something that caught her eye. "Eating ice cream together to mourn our runaway loved ones."

"Runaway loved ones?" Bella parroted.

Nova shrugged. "Well, Edweirdo is your boyfriend, but..." She hesitated on Jasper's name. "Well, my texting bud and I weren't really dating, so..."

Bella swung open a fridge door, pulling a container of mint ice cream from the shelf. Nova reached for another ice cream container labeled rocky road. Bella, being the clumsy person she was, knocked over another carton while reaching for the mint ice cream.

Bella mumbled, "I still think whoever you were talking to was an old man preying on you."

Nova just rolled her eyes, and led the way to the cash register to pay for their ice cream.


A small while later, the two twins found themselves in the kitchen at their house -- well, Charlie's house, rather. Nova grabbed the spoons while Bella fetched the napkins. Then, they gathered at the table and began digging into their ice cream.

"Okay, but isn't it kinda funny that Edweirdo left you around the time my texting pal left me?" Nova mused while gathering another spoonful of rocky road ice cream.

Bella shrugged. "I guess so." She paused in devouring the mint ice cream, and sighed sorrowfully. "I just miss Edward so much. And his family too."

Nova frowned. She understood her sister completely. She missed Jasper, and also missed Emmett, who she had barely talked to. She couldn't help but recall when Jasper's family sang happy birthday to her. It almost brought a smile to her face.

"Tell me about them," Nova offered after snapping out of her thoughts. "What's his family like?"

Bella's lips twitched up into a bittersweet smile. "Well, I've already told you a lot about Edward, but there's also his parents, Carlisle and Esme. Carlisle is a doctor. Esme is -- or was -- like a second mother to me. She can cook really well."

Nova listened intently, simultaneously eating her ice cream.

"Then there's Alice. She's a complete fashionista and also obsessed with shopping. She has short, dark brown hair. Really pretty and peppy."

Nova encouraged her sister to continue with a nod.

"Then there's Rosalie. She... kinda doesn't like me. She's gorgeous, with blonde hair and... yeah. Again, doesn't like me."

"Her loss," Nova shrugged as she stood to grab a water from the fridge. She opened the cap and plopped back into her seat while drinking some of the water from the bottle.

Bella smiled a tiny smile, then continued, "Next there's Edward's brother, who kinda reminds me of a bear. He's pretty strong, too. His name is Emmett."

Nova choked on her water.

"And then lastly is Jasper--"

Nova spewed her water everywhere.


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