Nobody wants to hear this. My girlfriend shes an alcoholic. And I say it lightly. Ive seen alcoholics, my grandpa, my aunt, but never seen one so close. I didnt think it was an issue. At first ya I loved going out drinking and talking helps break that barrier right. Well then it just kept going. Drinking on the weekends turned into you drink while I sip a single beer. Contemplating life and if this is what its like to be in an adulthood relationship. I'm still pretty sure this isnt how it goes. So I hide in the bathroom when we get home.And I hide all my emotions and thoughts, I keep my mouth shut because for some reason I feel like I cant loose you. Why am I stuck this time. Who knows? But I do know that I refuse to be beaten while your drunk and taken advantage of. Now I know what your thinking a girl taking advantage and hurting you. Well let me tell you I'm built and I could probably beat the shit out of her...but I'm gentle I dknt hurt people i love, but she does apperntly so ill hide until I find my way out of this. Or until I fix it. But my girlfriends an alcoholic and I'm a scared kid hiding in the bathroom till she passes out...sorry I'm not stronger..and i cant change.