Something More

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Dinah Jane Hansen is in her senior year of college. The blonde knows she should be happy that she's about to graduate. But Dinah is undoubtedly saddened and disappointed with herself. The blonde had a goal to be more promiscuous but here she is still the same boring Dinah. On top of that she has a sex goddess of a friend named Camila. She accidentally met the brunette in the library freshman year. Camila was getting a blowjob by some no name cheerleader and Dinah walked in on it. Camila was reluctant at first to be her friend but needless to say here they are three years later, friends.

The blonde stares at herself in the mirror, she's wearing black yoga pants and a blue training tank top. She had plans to meet Camila at the student gym. Dinah sucks in her stomach. The blonde wasn't fat per se but she did have some meat on her bones. She had curves, a nice rack, and a pretty good ass. The blonde would be what guys called "Thick" but Dinah wasn't happy with that. She wanted to lose a few more pounds. With a sigh Dinah released her stomach back to its normal place, grabbed her keys, and gym bag before leaving.


Camila could feel her underwear begin to tighten slightly. The brunette was currently watching Dinah's breasts move up and down as she ran on the treadmill. She had to admit that the blonde had an amazing body and her face wasn't have bad either. The brunette was so mesmerized that she didn't hear the question Dinah asked her.

"Huh?" Camila asked confused as her eyes snapped up to meet Dinah's.

"I said do you think I need to lose weight?" Dinah asked timidly as she averted her eyes.

The brunette had come to a slowing stroll as she caught her breath.

Camila shook her head gently to clear the cobwebs before she answered. "No. your curves. Dinah you're beautiful." The brunette rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly then spoke again her voice becoming serious. "And if anyone upsets you I'll kick their ass."

Dinah blushed and stuttered out a thank you. Camila shrugged before getting up from the leg curls to find another machine to continue her workout.


After their workout the two girls decided to get lunch. The two are currently seated at the back of a quiet diner. Camila takes a sip of water before she sighs heavily.

"What's wrong Camila?" Dinah asked concerned.

"Well you know how I've had a lot of meaningless sex right?"

"Yeah but why are you telling me this?" Dinah asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Because it's been on my mind for a while."

"That you have a lot sex?" Dinah asked thoroughly confused.

"No...well yes kinda. It has to do with my current predicament."

"Which is?" Dinah says with her hand gesturing for Camila to move it along.

"Which is that I've only had meaningless sex and I want something more. Something more before graduation that is." Camila explains.

"Why before graduation? Why not after?"

"Because I want something before I have an actual career with responsibilities, and I won't have enough time to commit myself to someone."

"I say have all the sex you can because at least you'll be having sex with a person instead of with your hand. Man I wanted to be more promiscuous. I was supposed to have a sex life that could rival yours." Dinah finishes with a small, half hearted chuckle.

Dinah's words pique Camila's interest as her mind works quickly. She knew how shy Dinah could be and introverted she was. Dinah would/could never ask someone out even if it was just for sex. A great thought popped into Camila's then. "I got it. We can help each other solve both of our problems."

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