I never love someone more than him...
I never think about someone more than about him...
I want to love him...
But I can't...
He share his love with someone else...
My emotions are strong...
But I must beat them...
It's no good for me to love him...
For him too...
But he doesn't know who I am...
What I feel...
I can't love anyone now...
Because I am not ready...
But my heart just can't stop to love him...
I hope he is happy with her...
And will be with her forever...
I know he doesn't love me...
He don't even know me...
I hope he's happy and loved...
That's all I want...
My Life
PoetryPíšem o mojom živote anglicky. Možno aj slovensky, ale iba výnimočne.😅❤ (Prepáčte mi, pokiaľ tam sú chyby...)