The plastic friend

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One day a girl named marge moved in another school she met a friend named Aisha she is a kind friend but sometimes she hides something to friends so she is plastic ....the next day.... marge question Aisha , do you have other friends? She said I don't have friends, why? She said I don't know , marge said , that's okay you could come with me Aisha said ,I'm shy,and marge said , that's okay ,marge thought she is a good person ....the next day.... it is lunch time Aisha has a request to marge,marge can you get me a ketchup? Okay but come with me first marge said, but Aisha is getting angry when marge said that,so marge get the ketchup and she came back and Aisha said ,oh I don't need it any more, in marge mind , you said to me to get a ketchup but you don't like ketchup ,what!!!!! , okay I will tell teacher if she do that again....the next day....they go to the locker and Aisha said to marge ,can you hold this? Okay , Aisha always telling to marge about to hold that to hold this and the next day Aisha have a glasses to wear because her eyes has a problem , its P.E time Aisha give the glasses to marge to just hold it their classmate saw marge holding the glasses then their classmate said don't hold the glasses , Aisha can put it on the table why she is giving it to you to just hold it? I don't know' said marge ,okay I will put it on the table ,and Aisha saw marge put it on the table and Aisha is angry ,Aisha said if you broke that glasses you will pay for that, in the mind of marge,I will be angry if she do it again, ....the next is sports  day they are watching basketball and the ball is bouncing the wrong way,marge laugh,and Aisha is getting angry marge don't know why Aisha is getting angry so marge said to Aisha ,why are you angry I'm not doing to you something I'm just laughing ,so marge go to another seat and the next day in their classroom they are just chilling and marge put her things in her bag and marge left and marge came back she realize her things are gone she is thinking who took my things in my bag? Marge questioned Aisha do you saw my things from my bag,she said no , and marge keep finding her things and she found it under the table and marge think that Aisha took her things because Aisha always open marge's bag and borrow things or put things,the next day marge borrow a scientific calculator and a regular calculator to her sister they use their calculator to science class and when marge is done using it marge put it on her bag and marge left and the next day marge's sister is borrowing the calculator and marge is finding in her bag and she can't find her calculators marge think that Aisha took it because she is always putting something to marge's bag or borrowing something to marge's bag so marge came home her mother is angry to her because she lost her sisters calculator marge didn't tell her mom that Aisha took it because she is not sure who really took her calculator so marge has a classmate named Clara ,Clara is a nice person she always help people , Clara questioned marge are you ok ?marge said no ,because her calculator is gone and Aisha is always bad to her , and she tell Clara all things that Aisha do to her , then they tell to their adviser what happen. To be continued

...........................this is the continues of the story called the plastic friend........................................

marge met Clara ,marge told to Clara all things that Aisha did to her and they tell their adviser what happens.what will the adviser do? is the teacher going to be mad? or the teacher will do something? stay tuned in the story of the plastic friend.

the next day the teacher know all Aisha did to marge the teacher didn't do something ,marge has a new friend named Katrina she is a good person but Aisha is always doing bad things to Katrina ,Aisha is always hiding Katrina's things like pen and other things marge is always helping Katrina to avoid Aisha ,the next day Aisha is with Katrina they are just making drawings and marge saw Katrina's drawing she said wow that is a nice drawing but Aisha say to Katrina quietly she just want attention and later Katrina told marge that Aisha said to her that you just want attention but later marge is questioning Aisha why she is that why did she do that and Aisha said Katrina is not a liar,and the next question of marge is why did you said to Katrina that i just want attention ? and she said i didn't said that and marge said i thought Katrina is not a liar because she told me that, and Aisha has no answer,so Aisha is just lying the next day marge questioned Aisha did you try to lie to someone ?she said no ,Aisha is what you call a liar,it is lunch time Aisha said to my other friend named Sophie, Aisha said to her that she don't like marge to be a friend and Sophie told it to marge and marge is getting angry it is dismissal we are playing a game called 2 truths and one lie and Aisha has a truth that she doesn't like marge and that is the truth and the other friend of marge named Dan and Dan has a truth i don't like Aisha and that is the truth and Aisha didn't say something Aisha is always saying to us that she is hungry and thirsty she want her food in the classroom so she told can you get the food in the classroom but the classroom is lock we need to get the key to my classmate and marge said no ,you can get it ,but Aisha is getting angry when marge don't want to do what she request to marge so Aisha said to marge friend named angel to get her lunch box and she get it and Aisha was angry because angel get her lunch box and Aisha said "why did you get this?"and angel said I thought your hungry Aisha is only acting like mad because their. Classmate pass through and Aisha is shy because she do something wrong and now angel is mad because of Aisha so angel left and Aisha is lays following angel and act like a good person and angel forgive her and marge left home and Sophie,angel,and Aisha eat there food and Aisha said to angel can you throw this to the trash can Aisha is doing an another wrong thing so the next day angel told to marge what happen yesterday and it is Aisha is with Katrina but Katrina don't want to be with Aisha ,Aisha is always telling Katrina that avoid marge so later Katrina told to marge , and marge is getting mad Aisha is taking marge's best friend later Aisha is with marge and Aisha is always telling to marge ,do you know why our classmates don't talk to you and marge said why because you are like a baby ,and marge said how did you say so and Aisha said it is obvious and marge said in her mind that is not true my classmate is always helping me to avoid Aisha and the next day Aisha is just making stories and marge is avoiding Aisha but she is always getting Katrina and marge is helping Katrina to escape from Aisha so Katrina said to marge I don't want to be with Aisha she is a bad girl so marge said to Katrina come with us don't come with Aisha because she will just gonna command you always and so the next day Katrina met all of marge's friends and became happy always and no Aisha always happy and Aisha said to Katrina that she will gonna tell marge to the guidance office so Katrina told it to marge,but marge is not afraid because marge knows that she is right if Aisha told it to the guidance office she is wrong be continued..... this is the continues of the story called the plastic friend Aisha told to Katrina that she will gonna tell marge to the guidance office what happened next? Did she really tell it? Or she is only scaring marge? Stay tuned so you know what happened.

This is the next day Aisha is just scaring marge,but marge is not scared because she know that she is right and Aisha is wrong,marge is only angry because she has a right to be angry to Aisha because Aisha is wrong later teacher pick a student that is going to list the noisy or standing and teacher pick Aisha and later my classmate named Cicero saw that Katrina is on the list and Cicero to,but there just quiet they are just making drawings and they are not standing,but Aisha list them so Katrina cried,who is listed on the paper will have a minus in the exam and my other classmate tell it to teacher that the lister has a problem and their teacher said "the one who listed on the paper has problem not the lister " marge go to Katrina and she is angry because of Aisha and marge go to Aisha and told Aisha "why did you list Katrina she is not noisy she is not standing she is just making drawing" and Aisha said "why are you angry"and marge said I need to be angry because you are crossing the line and later they told it to the adviser and said "sir Aisha listed Katrina and Cicero they are just behave and when it is listed on the paper it has a minus on the exam"and their adviser said " okay I will take care of that"but nothing happened it is the next day the adviser is absent so the other teacher named Marie will substitute and later Aisha get my classmate named Andrei and she hold Andrei's back and she pull his hair but Andrea is not doing something to her and later she get the broom and put it to Andrei's face and Katrina saw it and Katrina said it to marge,but
Andrei is not doing something to her and later they told it to teacher Marie and told what happened to be continued.....

This is the continues of the story named the plastic friend Aisha has made a bad thing again and they tell it to their substitute teacher named Marie and what will Marie do?is she going to be angry?or she will not gonna do something? Stay tuned in the story of the plastic friend so you know what happened with Aisha.

Marie know what happened and she called Aisha and Andrei and Marie got angry to Aisha,because that is bad she is like blinding Andrei and Andrei is nothing to do something bad to Aisha so it is dismissal and Aisha is so guilty and marge is home and in messenger angel said to marge that Aisha told her that her mom said that Katrina looks like a SPED and marge told it to Katrina on the messenger and her grandmother saw it and she is angry and the next day Katrina is angry to Aisha and she said "her attitude is like a sped and she look more looking a like sped"and marge think that Aisha is making stories she think that she is only using her mom and marge think that she is telling to her mom the fake story like she is making herself good and she is making marge bad so marge told it to Clara and now all their classmate knows who is the thief because their classmate named Anne has a lip tint and it is both gone and Katrina saw Aisha on the comfort room using a lip tint but they are not sure if Aisha had stolen Anne's lip tint and Aisha borrows marge's notebook and and she throw it back she always do that,and Aisha has a seat mate named Ron and is like she has a crush on Ron but she doesn't say that she has a crush on Ron and there's a new classmate so the sitting arrangement is changed and Aisha is angry with the new student because there's a new student and Ron has moved to another sit and Clara has a friend named rich and Ron has a crush on rich and Aisha saw Ron, rich and Clara are together and she said to her another classmate"she has only a crush on Ron"so Aisha is jealous so the truth is she has a crush on Ron but she don't want to mean it marge got home and she saw the messenger in the group chat she saw they are talking about the lost lip tint and the lost I'd and Aisha announce on the group chat that her if is missing to and the other classmate said "their is really a thief in the classroom " and they are saying bad words because they are angry and later marge saw that Aisha's mom massages on the group chat and her mother said "my daughter only announce that her I'd is lost so don't say bad words" and the next day Katrina said to marge that Aisha said to her to not say to her mom that she is saying bad words in school so in marge mind Aisha is saying bad words to so her mom didn't know that Aisha is saying bad words be continued.....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2018 ⏰

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