Chapter 1

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Hi, thank you for reading my story. I would love to hear your opinions on it. English is not my first language so please forgive me for any mistakes. I made the story up and any simillarities are pure coincidence .Feel free to vote and comment. Thank you for reading. 

It was a wonderful spring night and I was putting my younger siblings to bed to let my parents have some alone time. As they got in bed I started telling them the legend of our people, "Once upon a time, there was a young goddess called Luna who lived on the big bright moon and spent her nights looking down on earth, admiring it's creatures. One night, Luna heard a loud regal howl which picked her curiosity. On the next night she heard it again, and on the following night and so on..."

"It was Alpha!", my younger sister exclaimed, "He was howling at her"

"Yes.", I agreed with my sister and started dramatizing more, " There was a HUGE wolf howling at the moon and one night Luna came down to earth to meet him. She asked 'Who are you? Why do you howl at my moon?'. He said 'My name is Alpha and I howl at the moon because I fell in love with you and I want you to be mine'."

"Barff.", my younger brother said.

"The goddess was caught by surprise and the beast's confession only made her more curious about him. She decided to tease this love of his.", I continued, " 'If you truly love me,', she said, 'You will make every wolf on earth howl at my beautiful full moon.'"

"And he did it!", hurried my sister.

"Yes, Jamie!", I pinched my sister's cheek, "On the first full moon there was only one wolf howling. On the second full moon there were five wolves, on the third there were ten wolves and so on... Until one night, under the brightest full moon, all wolves on earth were howling together. And so the goddess descended once again and met with Alpha who said 'I did as you requested, please fulfill my wish: I want you to be mine and live with me forever.'"

"But Luna didn't fulfill his wish.", said Jamie.

"Nope. Luna was smarter and was enjoying teasing and watching him struggle. And so she said, 'If I am to live with you, we will need a place to stay. If you truly love me you will find the most beautiful land on earth. A place worthy of my presence.', and Luna left again.

My younger siblings were yawning by the time i was reaching the end, "Alpha searched everywhere. It took many moons until he came accross the most beautiful place he had ever been..."

"River Moon...", yawned my younger brother.

"The place we now call River Moon. The goddess was surprised at the wolf's tenacity and fulfilled his wish to live with him forever. After some full moons Luna gave birth to the first werewolf whom she called Alpha, after his father. Later on, she would give birth to many more  and live a peaceful life with Alpha and their children."

"But then he died.", Yawned my younger sister Jamie.

"Yes. One night, Alpha gave his last breath after a long fulfilling life. And Luna, having completed his request, returned to the moon once again and has been watching over her children ever since.", I kissed my siblings forehead as I finished the story, "Goodnight Jamie, goodnight Peter."

"Goodnight Millie", they said softly.

I quietly left their bedroom and went to mine. I layed in bed but I couldn't sleep: tomorrow I was gonna meet with Alpha Joshua about the Mates' Meeting which was where I was gonna meet my mate. My parents had met at a ball during the Mates' Meeting and had a beautiful love story.

My mother had described the Ball as a wonderful place: a huge oval room filled with unmated werewolves with nothing but sweet scents and music in the air. The place shined all over and everyone was dressed to impress their mates. Mother, as always, wasn't paying attention to anything other than the food when father asked her to dance.

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