It's great having someone who cares for you (A Fallout Tale)

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It had been a few weeks since Cywren had seen her Father, James, die in front of her and she was still mourning over her loss. Her two companions, Timebomb and Quasar tried to cheer her up but it was useless, she was still affected by her father's death and they worried for her. Cywren was always a cheerful and sweet person but lately she was cold and rude to everybody she met, even to her friends. One day, Cywren and her companions were walking around the wasteland, like usually until they came across some raiders who attacked them, they fought them off until there was one left and Quasar and Cywren were attacking him but Quasar accidently bit her leg instead of the raiders leg. Cywren yelled out in pain, since the dog's bite was powerful and fell back on her butt, holding her leg. Quasar went beside her and Timebomb finished off the remaining raider and also went beside Cywren. "Cywren, are you okay?" He asked, Cywren was still holding her leg until she finally snapped at Quasar "You Stupid dog! Why'd you bite me?!" She suddenly got up and swung her leg, almost kicking Quasar in his stomach. Quasar backed up and missed the kick his owner swung at him, Timebomb grabbed her from her back "Cywren! stop it! It was a accident! he didn't mean it!" Cywren continued insulting her dog and trying to get loose from Timebomb's grasp. Timebomb had enough of the red haired girl's attitude, so he turned her around, facing him and said "Cywren!!! Stop It!" She looked at him with a angry look on her face. Timebomb sighed "Cywren, I know that these past few weeks have been very painful for you because of what happened but-" Cywren then replied angrily "Don't act like you know what I've been through Timebomb!" "Oh yeah? I didn't have any parents at all when I grew up, remember?! I never met them either! I was almost killed too! I was near death! and you're telling me that you had it worse?!" Cywren was still looking at him angrily. Timebomb sighed again "Cywren, your hurt and I know it but you seriously think that acting rude and being angry all the time is going to solve anything? Do you think Your dad would want you to be this way?" Cywren's face softened and tears started to form in her eyes and she turned the other way, not to look at Timebomb. "Timebomb" She said quietly "I just don't know what to do now, everybody I loved, everybody I cared about is gone, my mom, Amata and now- m-my dad, I've got nobody now" Tears started to stream down her face. Timebomb looked at the red headed girl "That isn't true Cywren, you still have Quasar and me, we care about you and you care about us, right?" Cywren nodded as she took her glasses off and wiped her eyes. "Cywren" Timebomb said, Cywren looked at him and just said "I'm s-s-sorry" Timebomb hugged her and she hugged back still apologizing. Quasar whimpered as he got close to his owners, Cywren looked down on him and kneeled down in front of him "I'm sorry too Quasar" the dog licked her as she hugged him, Timebomb joined the hug. Cywren hugged her companions "Thank you guys for caring for me, I love you" "Aww, isn't that sweet" said a familiar young man's voice said from Cywren's head "Don't moment ruin the moment, Jordan" said Cywren back at him. The trio hugged for a while until they broke it up and went on into the wasteland to see what adventures were awaiting for them.

It's great having someone who cares for you (A Fallout Tale)Where stories live. Discover now