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It was mid autumn when everything was seemingly normal. Taehyung, a college student attending in Seoul was boarding a train to go back to Daegu, after months of endless studying, his original home town. It's around 18:00 and getting darker as time passes, and Taehyung is too exhausted from the excessive amount of work he had. Majoring in Photography had its pros, but he mainly saw cons. He loved it, however. And was pretty good too.

    He saw beauty in a lot of things, and had always had a soft spot for the art, despite his lack of positivity in his list of emotions. He smiled and laughed, just not often. People usually saw him with an attitude, which is just him being himself. He could care less about opinions, but at the same time he could. His reminiscing of himself was cut short.

An announcement was made to signify that they've arrived to their destination. Taehyung was about to get up when he stumbled over and dropped his equipment. "Oh, this is great" he mumbled under his breathe. A stranger stopped by, and helped him pick up his camera equipment.

"You should watch out where you're going and be more careful next time" his soft voice said. He handed Taehyung his camera and left without a trace. Taehyung stood there looking at where the male had exited with no goodbye. He didn't even get a chance to say 'thank you' to the mystery man. Taehyung shrugged this off and exited the train as well with his bags and took out his cell phone to make a phone call.

After three rings another male's voice could be heard "Hello?" Taehyung made a small smile while staring across the street at two squirrels fighting. "Ah Bogumie! I know it's been a while-" but he was interrupted with a laughing yelling voice "A while! More like 6 months! You haven't texted or called me at all! Now what do you want Tae?" Bogum laughed. Taehyung slid a hand to his nape and rubbed it with nervousness laced into his words. "Can you maybe come pick me up at the train station? I'm back for a bit so we can tall about everything that's happened" he offered, hoping his hyung would say yes.

A sigh was heard on the other side of the line before a small fine was heard. He smiled triumphantly as he stood at the curb. He looked across the street to see the all so familiar science lab where Bogum is studying at. He told Taehyung they were working on a a new experiment that could probably bring back the dead. Talk about a cliche and good idea, right?
"Just like those movies" he laughed.

His eyes snapped to the blue Subaru heading his way, he gave the science lab one last look before entering to see his best bud. "Hi Bogum hyung" he hugged the other boy before driving away. Taehyung settled his items in the trunk, before getting into the passengers seat.

"Hey, Tae" Bogum said, before continuing on the main road.

  The two began conversing about Bogum's internship at the Seoul Laboratories, and how the process of bringing back the dead is going. "We've tried so far on a rat that we found, and we have yet to hear about the rat. It's so far having brain activity, but no movement or any of the sort. I'll be so happy when we finally have a fully functioning rat that was once dead." He chuckled. He turned to Taehyung once he hit a red light. "We're making history here, Tae. And soon, we won't have to deal with letting loved ones go" he turned back around on green. Taehyung was thinking about what Bogum had said.

  Bring back loved ones? He wouldn't believe it.

  He scoffed at the idea, before going through his camera film, enjoying the pictures, and commenting over ones that hadn't come out so well. He was only looking for a good few minutes, before he felt the car turn and come to a stop. They're here.

  The boy stepped out of the car, moving is brown bangs away from his eyes to see the all too familiar condo where he and Bogum lived. "Home sweet home" he muttered before grabbing bags.

  Once inside, Bogum said he was going to go on ahead and sleep before a new day at the Laboratory tomorrow, and how he would probably stay there for a couple of days. Taehyung nodded at him, before heading towards the kitchen that was connected to the living room. He reached up to a white cupboard, and pulled out a packet for hot chocolate. He loved the scalding hot beverage.

  Once he finished and added a big amount of marshmallows and whipped cream, and Tae sat down on a small space on the window sill, leading to a view of the cityscape of Daegu. He absentmindedly was stirring his cocoa, while remembering what happened on the train. He remembered the dark orbs that belonged to the handsome stranger and how they stared into him, and he shuddered.

  "I hope I don't see him again" he said, grabbing his blanket while opening his laptop to watch "Train to Busan". He snuggled into the large plush pillows scattering the window sill, and sipped the cocoa.

  Somewhere towards the middle Taehyung fell asleep, and only awoke to the sounds of his mug falling off his lap. He groaned and walked all the way to the bathroom to do his routine and made it to his bed, before knocking out completely.

  He always believed in a saying he was taught by one of his old High School teacher and always said it before goinh to bed, whether in a great or crummy mood:

Tomorrow's a new day


This is probably a bad beginning, but trust me it'll be good in a chapter or two 😥
Word count: 993

-Vante 💜

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2018 ⏰

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