Chapter 4

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I was currently changing my street clothes with my grey Brooklyn sweats, a dark grey sweatshirt with the word BAÉ written across it in golden letters and a pair of bear socks.

I pulled my purple hair into a messy bun, with my white beats headphones hanging around my neck and left the bedroom, searching for the others.

I quietly sang ‘Who Says’ to myself. I re-adjusted when I felt a pair of strong arms around my waist.

I gasped turning around to only to be greeted by a yellow, green, blue, orange tank top.

The only person who wore that kind of tank top was Cody and he was like a 6’3 and I am, as embarrassing as it sounds, a short 5’4.

‘What’s up?’ I asked blushing and looking down at his shirt as I realized he still had his arms around my waist.

‘What? I’m not allowed to give you a taste for later cuddle buddy? And to answer your question I just saw you heading towards the kitchen while singing and wait… You are wearing glasses since when?’ he looked surprised scanning my face.

‘Noo It’s okay you just startled me.’ I answered a little shy ‘Ohh and I’m wearing glasses since I’m 5 years old, but when I’m out I most of the time wear contacts. I prefer contacts, but they start to hurt my eyes eventually so I took them out and I can’t see without glasses…’ I trailed off looking up him

‘Well I think you are beautiful with or without your glasses. ’He tightened the grip on my waist pulling me in a hug.

I wrapped my arms around his neck laying my head on his chest hugging him back whispering,

‘Thank you Cody It means a lot.’

‘Always precious.’ He let go of me but not before pecking my forehead.

I blushed again and walked into the kitchen with Cody trailing behind me.

‘What did you get so flustered,’ Amber asked looking behind me raising an eyebrow,’ or better yet who?’

I  turned around making eye contact with a smirking Cody. I turned back to Amber to answer,

‘I don’t know what you’re talking about,’ I touched my cheeks,’ must be the heat I get red easily.’ Trying to find an excuse, pushing my glasses up.

‘Then explain to me why Cody smirking at you like that.’ Amber clearly not believing my excuse.

‘If you haven’t noticed yet he is a very cocky person, Amber.’

‘Heeeey I’m not a cocky person.’ Cody butted in narrowing his eyes at me

‘Yes you-, ‘before I could finish my sentence a loud voice echoed through the house.

My life in the big brother house (Cody Calafiore love story)Where stories live. Discover now