Part 1

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You were just a little child when your parents were murdered living you an orphan. You were on the streets and you witness a women getting mugged, so you decided to intervene and stop it.

You kicked the man to the leg.

Man:Why you little brat!

The man tried to punch you but something swiftly emerged from you catching the man's hand, tearing it clean off. The man started screaming his lunges off and the other two men were just terrified as well as the lady.

Man:Just what the hell are you?!

The rest of the men started shooting at you but you easily caught all they're bullets with ease before tossing them at the men killing them. The woman who was getting mugged looked a bit in shocked.

Woman:T-thank you.

The woman then ran off not wanting to get involved in your rage.

Years later.

You were now a decent guy. If you see any bas guy, you swore that you will take them out and show no mercy. You were at your new home living all by yourself but you had a pet dog name max with you. He rubbing against her hand which means that You should feed him.

Y/n:Okay boy, I'm gonna feed you now, don't you worry.

You then gave his food on his bowl. You decided that you were gonna head out to your job because you had been assigned somewhere.

You got to your new job and then you met up with your boss.

Y/n:Hey boss, now what does you want me for now?

Boss:I needed you to help out Shirazu and Urie. They seem like they could use a really good hand.

Y/n:Okay boss, I'm gonna be on my way now.

You got in your bike and started riding down the street to help out Shirazu and Urie. You spotted them fighting a guy with a tail emerging from his back.

You decided to fire your Kagune at the guy knocking him back and then he used his tail and tried to hit you but you quickly more put of the way.

Shirazu:Well dude, it took you about time.

Y/n:Well Sorry that I'm late.

While the guy the others were distracted, the guy used his tail to pinned Shirazu to the ground, through the chest.

Shirazu:Bad move.

Shirazu activated his powers. The man looked really surprised.

Man:You guys are ghouls?

Urie then used his kagune.

Urie:We are quinxes.

Urie impaled the guy through the stomach which send him back lying on the ground dead.

Shirazu:You Know, this all thanks to me.

Y/n:Oh please, I would had done fine without.

Shirazu:Well, I could make do a lot better.

Urie:Don't you ever shut up?

Just when it seems that the guy was dead, he got up from the ground charged his tail directly at Urie but a guy with white hair came on and cit his tail. His name was Kaneki.

Kaneki:Don't you that you should never drop your guard?


You were on the street and then some punks came at you.

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