chapter 3

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Y/n's POV

"I want to adopt kid"Sana said make me shocked and look at her

"Are you serious?"I ask and look at the road back

"Yes I am,we can't get a child right? So I want to adopt kid,I want to be mommy"she said and I smirked

"You are my mommy"I said while looked at her smirking and suddenly she slap my arm

"Ouch Sana! I'm driving okay!"I shouted while rubbing my arm

"Then stop being a pervert!"she shouted back and I just pout

"Okay fine"I said

"I agree with what you want but when?"I ask her

"Uhm how about tomorrow?"she asked and I widen my eyes

"Are you serious!? I'm not ready! We need to tell jyp first"I said and she look at me while pouting

"But I can't wait"she whined like a kid and I just sigh

How could I handle two kids?


"Lets tell jyp first okay?"I said and she just pout while nodding her head

I smiled and hold her hands

After a few minutes we arrived our house

We went out from the car and enter the house

Author's POV

Y/n lay on the sofa and sana went to the kitchen to drink some water

Y/n stood up from the sofa and went to Sana

"Baby!"y/n hugged Sana from back that make the latter shocked

"Y/n don't scared me like that!"sana said and y/n just giggle and put her chin on sana's shoulder

"Baby,what should we do now? Since it's our day off"Sana asked y/n

"Uhm,how about we do what couple do?"y/n asked Sana back

"Uhm what is it?"Sana ask and y/n grinned

"You know what I mean"y/n said sound pervert

"W-what do you mean?"Sana ask and y/n kiss Sana head

"It's okay if you don't want"y/n said that make Sana feel guilty

Y/n let go of her arms from Sana waist and turn back to the living room

But Sana hold her wrist prevent her to go

"O-okay,I-i want"Sana said blushing

Y/n look at Sana excitedly


"Yes"Sana smile

"Okay good! Now go change your clothes,I will wait here"y/n said while smiling that make Sana confused

"Change clothes? For what?"Sana ask y/n who look like a kid smiling excitedly

"We are going to arcade right?"y/n said that make Sana widen her eyes

"Go to arcade?! I thought we are going to uhm"Sana said trying to find a words to y/n who look so innocent (are you guys innocent? 😏)

"To what?"y/n ask innocently

"Do it"Sana said and y/n widen her eyes

"N-no! I-im not ready"y/n said stuttering while

"Author nim didn't write smut"y/n said and look at sana who blushing

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