Driving is a Challenge

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(This one shot is based simply on my hate for driving and give some advice to future drivers.  Comment if you hate driving, also if you like driving and why).  Peacheslove88 😊😎

Conner woke up in the best mood.  Today he was going to do something that every teenager looked foward to.  Learning how to drive.  He was so excited.  He was finally going to do a normal teenage activity, and not something that's not normal, like fighting in interdemensional wars.  Something that made this day extra special was that he was being taught by his girlfriend who was already a lisenced driver.

Conner got up out of bed, put on a hoodie, and a pair of jeans and ran down stairs to get breakfast.

"Morning mom."  Conner said as he ran into the kitchen and grabbed a slice of toast from the toaster.

"Morning Conner.  What are you doing today?"  Charlotte asked eating her slice of toast.

"Bree's going to teach me to drive so I can get my license."

"Bree's teaching you?"  Charlotte asked almost choking on her toast.

"Yeah, she's a lisenced driver and she offered."   Conner said.  "Don't worry, we're just going around the neighborhood."

"Ok, be safe." Charlotte said. There then was a knock at the door and Conner shoved the rest of his toast in his mouth and opened the door, to reveal Bree in a baseball cap, glasses, and a black leather jacket.

"What's with the outfit?" Conner asked.

"It's my driving outfit. You ready?" Bree asked holding up her keys.

"Ready! I'm excited." Conner said while putting on his sneakers.

"Even though your excited please be focused because driving will be a completely different experience once you get behind the wheel."

"Haha very funny. Let's go." Conner said grabbing the keys from Bree's hands and ran to the car.

"Don't worry we'll be back soon." Bree said to Charlotte.

"Be careful please." Charlotte said.

"We will." Bree closed the door behind her and ran to the car. She got into the passenger seat and turned off the radio. "Ok first thing. No radio, you need to focus because I don't feel like dying today. Also this is my moms car and you know how she feels about you. So if you wreck it, we'll probably never see each other again, because you'll be dead."

"Bree I've fought wars and battled my evil uncle...I think I can handle driving." Conner said and put the car into drive, but it wouldn't move. "Why isn't this working?"

"Ok, the first thing you need to know," Bree said and took her glasses off. "You have to always put your foot on the break in order to change gears."

"Oh, ok." Conner said. He did what Bree said and the car started moving a slowly forward.

"Ok now start turning to the left." Bree said.

Conner did what she said, and started to drive down the road.

"Good job. I'm so proud of you!" Bree said.

"Thank you." Conner said and smiled at her.

"Look at the road!" Bree yelled. "You can talk and drive, but never look away from the road!"

"Ok, ok." Conner said. "So where are we going?"

"How about Panera?" Bree said. "It's right down the road."

"Ok. How about going on the highway?"

"Not with me!! You can do that with your mom."

"Ok, ok." Conner said. He was disappointed he really wanted to go on the highway, but also kind of relieved. So far into 3 minutes of driving, it wasn't what he thought. It was kind of scary. He suddenly got a fear of hitting a car after a car going to opposite direction almost hit him, or Conner thought he was going to hit him.

"Conner! Get back in the lane! Your on the grass."

"Oops." Conner said. "Why is this harder than I thought?"

"Your not doing bad, and are you sweating?"

"No I'm not. Maybe you are." Conner said in a worried tone.

"I'm not sweating Conner."

"Why is my shoulder hurting a little bit?" Conner said and groaned.

"Cause your tense. Conner this is not that bad." Bree said. They then heard a car horn behind them.

"Why is the person behind me honking?" Conner yelled.

"I don't know. Your going the speed limit." Bree said and looked behind her. Conner did as well but quickly looked forward quickly to find that he was partially in the other lane. He quickly jerked the car into his lane just in time before a car hit him.

"Conner! What the heck!" Bree yelled. "What did I say about staying focused?"

"I'm sorry!" Conner said.

"Ok, now turn on your turn signal and turn right into the parking lot." Bree said

Conner did what Bree said and safely drove into the empty Panera parking lot and parked. Conner opened the door and almost threw up on the patch of grass.

"Oh my God! Conner are you ok?" Bree said getting out of the car.

"That was stressful!" Conner said breathing hard.

"I know babe, but it was your first time. It's understandable." Bree said. "I was stressed out my first time too, plus I might not be the best teacher. Sorry for yelling at you."

"I'm never going back into that death trap again. I almost crashed twice, and almost hit a mailbox. I'll Uber and Lyft from now on." Conner said.

"Your gonna have to drive at some point." Bree said

"But not now." Conner said breathing heavily.

"This is probably the first time I've seen you this scared."

"I thought this was going to be fun. But it's actually scary."

"I know, for some people it's scary at first, and for some people it's not, it just comes easier to them. Even the best drivers get scared sometimes, and I'd rather you feel comfortable driving then scared and stressed. You can go at your own pace, and you can drive when you want too. For now I'll drive us places, and when you feel ready you can drive." Bree explained and hugged him.

"Thanks Bree. Should we go inside for some hot chocolate?"

"Sure I'll buy, because your traumatized." Bree said and laughed. She kissed Conner on the cheek, and took his hand and they walked into Panera.

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