The day I find out im a werewolf

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*Jack wakes up in the hospital bed*

mom: xavier, nya hes up

xavier: jack how u feel buddy

nya: are you ok u had us worried

Jack: yea im fine, what happen the only thing I remmber is passesing out in the car

mom: well u tell me and why u was outside In the middle of the night

xavier: yea why was u outside 

nya: ?

Jack: well last night before we ate dinner I was reading my book and I heard strange nosise outside my bed room window but when mom had came in  my room the nosise had stop so when we ate and went to bed I heard them again and thats why I was outside

xavier: well that doesn't explain all the blood and that bite mark on your arm

*Jack look at his arm*

Jack: well it going to sound crazy how I got that on my arm

mom: well go ahead and tell us Jack

Jack: the way I got that  bite mark is because of a werewolf

xavier: there no such thing as a werewolf Jack

Jack: but im telling the truth

mom: so you saying that a werewolf bit you Jack

Jack: yea im saying that a werewolf bit me

mom: but like your farther said there are no such thing as a werewolf

Jack: but mom

mom: no but, I think you need to lay down

Jack but mom

mom: Jack do as I say now come on guys let jack rest

*everyone leaves*

*Jack falls asleep*

*He started dreaming about the night he got attack*

*the nurse woke jack up because he was screaming in is sleep*

*Jack started thinking maybe mom is right there no such thing as a werewolf*

*Jack mother starts talking to the nurse asking when can Jack can come home*

mom: well Jack looks like u going home today so get ready

Jack: ok

* 5 mintues later*

mom: ok now lets  head home

*everyone gets in the car and heads home*

*after a few mintues later they made it home*

mom: ok we finally made it home now lets go inside and i will get started on dinner



xavier: ok honey

*while Jack mother was preparing dinner jack has sat down on the couch and started watching anime*

mom: so Jack which anime are you watching either dragon ball super or tokyo ghoul?

Jack: Im watching tokyo ghoul now shh Im missing the good parts

mom: ok I go back to making dinner

Jack: ok now shh

*Jack continues to watch tokyo ghoul*

How i became a werewolfWhere stories live. Discover now