Chapter 1

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This is a new story I decided to do for two friends were looking for something a little less cliche' and a little more mature. Hope you like it guys.  


"Girl, I was sure Professor Curtis was trying to kill us with this mid-term. I mean, there was stuff on there she barely mentioned and was not in my notes. You know me and my notes, I don't play. That woman is the devil", Nemi complained, walking to the dorms with her best friend, Izzy.

"She's 82, thinks Hitler still occupies Germany and clearly should have stopped teaching twenty years ago. Remember when the term started and she forgot what subject she was even teaching?",Izzy comiserrated.

"That woman needs to go on,I can't have some senile old lady ruining my 4.0 GPA" Nemi snapped, the thought of her grades sliding because of that granny pissed her off to no end.

"You made a 97 even with her dodgy teaching, relax,Nem."

"You're right. Hey, you want to do soemthing to celebrate our hard work?"

"Depends on what you have in mind, I don't want to hit the clubs or get drunk, that's what everyone will be doing tonight", Izzy replied unsure of what Nemi was thinking of doing.

"Please, I have no intention of doing something so stupid. I was thinking maybe we could go buy some pretty little dresses and hit a nice restaurant. Preferably one that has cheesecake."

"I like the way you're thinking. With all of this studying, I can't remember the last time I had a decent meal or did any shopping."

"Same here, let's go drop off our things and hit the mall. I heard there's a big sale",Nemi whispered as if she didn't want the other students around them to know.

Izzy laughed at her friends enthusiasm. Nemi's happiness was infectious and so was her smile. Izzy knew they were going to have a good time.It was always fun to shop until their feet ached and then fill their bellies with good food. They deserved it after this term.

Harry was beyond angry. he had just caught his girlfriend of the last three months having a snog session with Niall. Of course, being the undercover harlot she was, told Niall that she and Harry were the past. Niall had told him everything and he believed him, he just couldn't understand why once again, he was being tossed to the side like yesterday's fish and chips.

He always tried to be himself and treat everyone with respect but he kept getting shat upon. What was he supposed to do, just let everyone with a vagina treat him like a sugar daddy doormat? No, there had to be someone out there for him. he was just looking in all of the wrong places to find her. The GPS went off telling him to turn left several times but he ignored it and kept on driving.He was in no mood to go to any studio at the moment and just needed to be alone.

As he white knucle gripped the steering wheel, rain began to pour so he flicked on his wipers. It was still impossible to see where he was going so he sped up to get back to his rented flat and out of the gloomy rain.Louis and Liam were wating for him there with vodka anyway. He would just drink his pain away.

The spedometer hit 90 miles an hour as he turned into the warehouse district where all the clubs were and the mall. Clubs, to hell with clubs Harry screamed. A club was were he had met her and he had no intention of finding another like her. She was a spiteful snake who used people. Anyway, she was Niall's problem now. Harry didn't realize he had begun crying until his vision was even more obstructed by his tears.

Thud Thud

What was that? Dear god, the last thing he needed right now was a flat tire. He pulled over to the curb and hopped out to check his tires, grumbling about being soaking wet yet again. He was going to end up sick at this rate. That would be the perfect end to this perfect day, coming down with pneumonia or the flu. He walked around the car and saw nothing amiss with the tires but as he rounded to the front, two huge dents were in his fender. Great so he ran into something instead. He looked around and saw nothing that could have gotten into his path so he decided to call his insurance company and let them know there had been some kind of damage done.

While he was on hold for an agent, he leaned against the car hood, balancing himself with one hand.As he impatiently pressed 1 for English yet again he subconsiously ran his hand over his face and felt something smear across his cheek. He lifted his hand to his face and even in the dim light, he could see something red all over his palm and fingers and it looked like blood. Where would blood come from?

He heard faint moan that drew his attention off to his left and what he saw horrified him. Two girls laying on the crosswalk. He struck two girls because of what she had done to him.Now he was going to American jail for this. Horrible thoughts crossed his mind and he knew he could only do one thing. Take them home with him and fix them himself.

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