Chapter 7

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"Guys, please, go back to your room. Nemi here was just having a very vivid dream that startled her.She will be fine, she just needs more rest.Isn't that right, sweetpea?",Liam said casually, pretending like he hadn't just touched the girl in a very personal place.

Izzy stood there waiting for her best friend to reply, unwilling to move from her spot behind Louis until she was sure things were ok.Nemi looked confused and a little scared as she stared from Liam to Harry. It was almost as if she was waiting on them to tell her what to say when Harry cleared his throat and gave her a look.

"He's right, I just had a bad dream, get some sleep girly. It's been a long, interesting day",Nemi told Izzy, trying to reassure her friend.

"See they're fine, lets go",Louis said dragging Izzy from the doorway."Sweet dreams bitches."

Harry shook his head and frowned at them as they left. He was beyond pissed that those two had ruined his moment.On the other hand, she didn't seem too freaked out by what had happened so maybe he would have another chance later on down the road.

"Get some more rest, we won't bother you anymore except to change your IV bags. Harry, it's getting close to time for another dose for her so I'll keep watch and stay awake until it's time. You get comfy and make sure she rests well,alright?"

"Li, you don't have to stay up,I'll watch over her.Afterall,it's my fault she's in this postion."

"And both of ya'll can stop talking about me like I'm not here. If the pain gets too bad,I'm sure I can handle pushing a button. I don't need babysitters. I'm a grown ass woman",Nemi spoke up.

"As very gorgeous grown ass woman who needs Harry to take care of her,not because he has to but because he wants to",Harry told her, giving her that trademark cheeky ass grin.

"And you", she said pointing to Liam,"you don't need to sleep on the hard floor when this bed is big enough for ten people."

Harry chuckled and leaned closer to her, "That was the idea behind the purchase actually."

Nemi wrinkled her nose and slapped his shoulder,"Ya nasty!"

Harry smiled,"Maybe. Perhaps you'll find out one of these days. I mean,if you are so inclined to."

Nemi, unsure what to say,laid back down and just shook her head.Did she want to find out if he was nasty? She should hate this man with a burning passion. He was the reason she had this stupid stitched up cut. He hit them with his damn car for heaven's sake.He was holding them here for selfish reasons. On the other hand, though, he was so damn sexy and his smile made her lower regions tighten badly. Liam was hot as hell too, but Harry. he just did something to her. Was it possible to fall for someone who hurt you so much. "He took care of you too, and made sure you got medical care!",her brain screamed.

All of this was making her tired so she snuggled down under the covers as Liam climbed in next to her, scooting her closer to Harry. Nemi now wished Louis and Izzy hadn't interruputed. What would the three of them be doing at this very moment. Nemi chastised herself and tried to get comfortable as four arms wrapped around her body.She fell asleep in the arms of Liam Payne and Harry Styles.

"Lou, do you have any duct tape around here?",Izzy asked.

"Depends. Do you want to bind my hands and do kinky things to my body or are you going to try to subdue me and escape?"

"You wish and not right now,I'm too tired. I just need it for soemthing.Please?"

"Fine, I'll get the roll but you have to pinkie promise to stay in here and not do anything stupid. Deal?"

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