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Pairing:Ben Hardy/ Roger Taylor x Reader
AN:Okay I love this prompt and I'm super excited to do this. I'm on a bus writing this right now so it gave me something good to do. Also sorry it took so long. I've been a little busy with school.
Warnings: Language, alcohol, mentions of sex but never any actual sex. Mostly Fluff tbh. 

You were in charge of the food. Anything the boys wanted you got. When they asked for cheese crackers, you got them cheese crackers. When they wanted beer (which was most of the time), you'd be damn sure they got a beer in their hands.  Every now and again, they would ask for something fancy, so it wasn't REALLY a huge surprise when someone asked for a steak. Sometimes they wanted all the junk food in the world. Sometimes they wanted to eat like kings. It really depended upon how they felt that day.  This particular day wasn't anything different. The boys had just woken up and came down to the hotel lobby. They usually eat the hotel breakfast and chat with you about what they are going to want for dinner that night in the next city. So as everyone, still in their pajamas, got their plates, you were talking to Freddie about what he was going to want for dinner.  "The usual, darling. A nice cheese burger with some wine."  In the corner of your eye you saw Roger and John playing rock paper scissors.   "Will you look at that Fred? Why are boys so..."  "Odd? Dumb? Oh Darling I could go on and on about those two." He said."Okay well I'm gonna go ask the odd dumb ones what they want. See you tonight Fred! Break a leg Dear." You wished him luck and headed to Brian.  "And you?" you asked him.  "Just a Good Caesar salad please." Brian told you.  "And you John?"   "I would like a nice steak dinner with a side salad and you pick the beverages. I need two of each." He said smirking.  "Going on a date, John? Or are you just wanting a LARGE meal?" You joked.  "Oh me? No! No. It's just-"  "It's okay if you're going on a date John." you cut him off. "Lastly and certainly least! Mr. Taylor?"   "Uh. Just um- I want... Just a pizza please."  "What is up with you...using your manners? You said please! Where did you learn how to do that?" you teased.  "I've always had manners I just prefer to... Nevermind get me a large pizza." he said back with a sharp tone talking about the pizza.  "There is the Roger we know and love." You messed with him.  "Love? You love Roger? Oohhh" Deaky messed with you knowing full well about the huge crush you had on Roger.  "Not. What. I. Meant. Deaky." you said harshly but trying not to be obvious.  A Few Hours Later:  The concert was over and everyone was getting ready to eat. You got everything set up. Everyone was changing into comfy clothes. Except Roger who had gotten into a nice suit. Which was NOT like him.   You were walking around looking at your clip board doing some last checks on all the food when Roger purposely bumped into you.  "CAN YOU NOT? I'm trying to make sure everything is good before John's date." You shouted.  "John doesn't have a date. You do." he said.  "What the hell are you talking about? I don't have-" He cut you off.  "With me. Look... I really like you. And I know you have the biggest crush on me. Its very painfully obvious. Why do you think he asked you to choose the wine? He wanted you to get something you liked.  Look its actually all set up on stage. I have candles... Will you please... PLEASE go on this date with me? Look I even used my manners." The 'Manners' got you.  "Wait you like me back?" You were so caught up in everything he said it was almost like a dream. Not to mention not as romantic as you pictured but it was about as romantic as Roger Taylor could get.  "Jesus woman did you not hear a single thing I just said?!" He pulled you in for a long wonderful kiss. You know he has done this to many other girls before you, but he is actually trying to take you on a date. How could you say no?  You broke the kiss and answered him."Yes. Roger, I will go on a date with you." You smiled. He grabbed your hand and walked you on stage. It was dark and you couldn't really see much except the one candle on the table.  "So can you please explain how exactly this happened?" you asked as you sat down and he pushed your chair in for you.You were seated dead center on the stage.  "Hold on, love. HEY CAN SOMEBODY GET US SOME LIGHT? PLEASE." he shouted and not even 5 seconds later the stage lit up and there were the other boys who had instruments. They immediately began playing Love Of My Life for you two.   "So you know how when you were talking to Freddie this morning and John and I were playing Rock Paper Scissors?" he asked you dead serious.  "uhhh yeah why?" you giggled at the thought of them just being stupid like this.  "He made a bet with me. He said if I lost I had to take you out tonight and that he would handle everything for us. Needless to say..." he leaned in close to you and put his hand over your faces so no one could hear. Your mind couldn't help but wonder what he was about to say. You just wanted to hear him talk to you like that all day. Like its just you and him. Maybe he was about to ask you to his room later.   While you normally took things slow you couldn't help but want to do stuff with him. You were curious if that's what he was about to say to you. about to ask you.  "Needless to say," He said again closer to you. "I realized today that everyone starts on Scissors when they play rock paper scissors."  You were a little disappointed. But it made you laugh.  "So what are the plans after dinner?" you asked him still giggling.  "To be completely Honest, (Y/N), I haven't even thought that far... But if you want to..." He was cut off.  "HEY LOVE BIRDS, WE CANT PLAY THIS ONE SONG FOR FOREVER, SO EITHER YOU TWO NEED TO GO UP AND GET A BLOODY ROOM OR EAT QUICKER." Brian shouted at you two.  "THEY ARE IN LOVE, BRIAN! WE SHOULD DO WHATEVER THEY NEED, FOR THEIR FIRST DATE." John quietly yet sternly shouted back.  "Darlings, Darlings. We all just need to get to bed, including those two look their eyes are dripping with lust for each other. It was a good concert. And Roger, (Y/N), it was a wonderful encore. Now go and make us some nieces and nephews. Goodnight." Freddie said to everyone. The rest of the band walked out and you two were left.  "Considering this is the first date I doubt it would be good to go and um make Freddie some nieces and nephews." you laughed.  "No? I thought it was a good idea." Roger said joking. You gave him a slightly irritated look. "Kidding it was a joke. Look why don't we take the wine up to my hotel room and just drink and have a nice cuddle?" He suggested.  "I like the sound of that." You smiled, grabbing the wine. You took Roger's hand with your free hand and walked off stage.   "Also thank you for using your manners, Mr. Taylor. Wonder who taught you that?" You joked.  "Oh with the lighting guy? Yeah. I was just trying to impress the girl I like. I think it was her who taught me how to say please and thank you." He joked back as you headed back to the hotel hand in hand.

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