Coming Home

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She couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe that this day had finally come. It nearly brought tears to her eyes when she thought about what she was going to do. Y/N L/N was going to marry the love of her life. She was going to marry Harry Styles. It had seemed like a pipe dream ever since she started following his career, but one day it happened. One day she ran into Harry and the rest was history. Now, Y/N was sitting in a hotel room surrounded by all of her bridesmaids and her doting maid of honor, Gemma, while a photographer snapped pictures of it all. The bride with her messy hair and teary eyes when she read Harry's heartfelt note on her bedside, Anne crying when she saw her boy all dressed up for his wedding day, and Gemma buttoning up Y/N's dress. The photographers captured every moment and for the first time since Y/N had come into the public eye, she didn't mind it. It was a bit different from the everyday paparazzi though because this time she asked for them to be there, or really Harry wanted these pictures.

She hadn't realized just how into their wedding Harry was until they started planning it. Harry had a say in everything, he had more of an idea of what the wedding should look like than she did. Y/N just wanted to marry the love of her life and that was all that mattered, she wouldn't have minded if it would have been just the two of them at a courthouse. Harry, on the other hand, insisted that they were only going to do this once so they had to do this right. He went on and on about who they were going to invite, where they were going to get married and what the both of them were going to wear. Y/N swears that if she would have let Harry that he would have picked out her dress for her, he dropped hints constantly about what he wanted her to wear while simultaneously telling her that she would look good in anything. He also went on about what he was going to wear. There were countless nights where Harry would tell Y/N about the floral top he was going to wear. His eyes would light up and his voice would hammer away as his words about his custom made floral suit and the shoes he was having made to go with them lulling Y/N off to sleep.

Now, Y/N stood in front of the doors leading to the chapel filled with hundreds of her and Harry's closest friends and family. Her heart was racing, the slight flush in her cheeks reflecting her heartbeat while her breathing was slow and controlled. She was doing her best to control herself, to stop the tears that were undoubtedly coming. Her grip on the large, aromatic bouquet was so tight that her knuckles began to look white. Gemma looked back at Y/N and smiled, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Lovely, I know that you're worried about this, but don't be. 'Arry is going to be standing at the end of that aisle in that ridiculous floral ensemble, which might I added I'm amazed you let him get away with, and he is feeling just as nervous as you are righ about now." Gemma set her flowers to the side and pulled Y/N's bouquet to the side as well, interlocking their hands.

"He loves you more than anyone I've ever seen and I can tell that you love him too with all your heart. You two are meant to be together, I wouldn't have agreed to be you're maid of honor if I didn't think so. You're a part of my family now, although who are we kidding," Gemma laughed slightly and squeezed Y/N hands.

"You've been a part of my family since you first walked through mum's door. She and I knew then that this day was going to come and we've just been waiting for Haz to make the move. I guess what I'm going for with this big ol' speech is that I love you, Mum loves you and 'Arry definitely loves you. You have nothing to be afraid of or nervous about righ now, so let's go through those doors and get this thing over with."

Y/N had thought that she was going to be able to hold onto her tears until Harry started his vows at least, but Gemma's words had quite a few tears streaming down Y/N's cheeks. "Goddammit Gem, you're making me cry before I even see him. Do you know how much hell I'm going to catch for that? He loves teasing me anyways. I can just hear him now, 'Sure yah hate me love, hate me so much tha yah cried before yah even saw me at the weddin'. Hope our kids don'-"

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