Chapter 2

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Carter just stared at me with disbelief in his eyes.


We were at our park. His father was really rich so he built us our very own park. It consisted a swingset and a slide. There was woods surrounding us but we would never get lost. Even if I tried I would just end up in the same place. That was the odd thing. 

"Come on Emery, we're gonna miss the sunset!" Carter whined. Carter loved the sunset because it lead to the night. Usually I would stay outside with him the whole night gazing at the moon. He had an obsession with it. Also his father believed in the moon tales. That night the worst thing ever happened. 

"you know what, Emery, we're going to be best friends forever right? Promise?" His voice was quivering for the first time ever. He held out his pinky and looked at me wide-eyed. I pulled out my pinky and tangled it with his. Then he was suddenly ripped away from me. Something was hauling him back and somebody covered their hand over my mouth. Rearing my head back, I bit into the person's hand. There was a bloody smell but I ran after Carter. I twisted through the trees but I only ended up back at the playground. For the first time I weeped. I never cried when Carter's father slapped me or when I was forced to leave the house or when I was beaten up by my Foster mum.

"I can't believe you are alive," I murmured. He ran over to me and gave me a bone-crushing hug. He smelled like himself, wood and pine. He was 6 foot now. He was wearing a grey tee that enlarged his muscles. His hair was chocolately brown and tousled. His eyes were no longer the tree colour I usually knew but it was now green and brown. He was hot! He gripped my chin.

"What happened to your eyes?" Even his voice sounded smooth and-! Emery, stop it!  He is your best friend. I wrenched myself from his grip and went to the mirror hanging on the side of the wall. It seemed antique and I didn't want to touch it. It was round studded with rubies and encrusted in black iron. I could smell something faint on it that made my chest hurt. 

Anyway I looked up at my face. My face looked smooth and soft while my lips were perfectly in proprtion. My hair was styled in a messy but hot way and I looked hot! Then there were my eyes. They were purple. There were red rings surrounding them. There was a gold and green center. They looked dangerous, I felt a sudden hunger in my stomach. As I looked around I saw people with their necks open. I felt a sudden urge to go over there and rip their throats out. I could smell the faint blood and I could hear their blood pumping up and down and their veins.

My head started to pound. I howled before snarling. I could see red everywhere. I couldn't do this, I stood up and ran as fast as I can far away from this place. My vision blurred and there was a smell of pine only.  I stopped and dug my heels into the soft mud. Finally I stopped and there was a trench that I stood in.  I walked around examining it . I saw a pi ece of a branch sitting there so I picked it up and smashed it against the tree. 

I was mad and confused. I hit that tree again but harder. I dropped it and plopped down. Who are these people anyway? Then I heard a sudden creak. I looked behind me and I saw the tree. It started to tilt back and fall. Then someone was behind me. I felt my neck twist and all I could see was black.


I woke up on the floor with some mud splattered on my cheek. I felt a little empty and lightheaded. There was blood on the floor but know I didn't want to drink any more of it. I lifted up my head and saw a woman sitting on a log. She seemed to be scraping blood of her hands. There was a dead deer sitting right beside her. I stood up and backed up overwhelmed by the stench of dried deer. 

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