"Moments like These"

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The crackling of the fireplace echoed throughout the tree house.Not a sound other than soft breathing and the crackling fire washeard. Subaki was pleased with being able to spend time with hisexhausted family. His eyes darted around the room until at last theylanded on his family. With a smile on his face he took note on thecalm expression on their faces.

Exhausted from today's events they were. Having gotten back afew hours ago from a long day of continuous training and a tiringbattle. Being able to be with his two children and his wife, in thesame bed was a much needed escape from the outside world. Themsnuggling altogether without a care in the world brought a peace likeno other to his heart. It's moments like these that he wishes couldlast forever.

Moments were his prefect children Kana and Caeldori could relaxfor once. The two of them running around fields of green grass,without having to worry about fighting in wars. Where they can bekids. Subaki knew that until this war was over he will have to takecomfort in the fact that they can at least relax with their parents.Let loose in moments where they can all have a night in together. Anight in where they can have dinner and dessert together. Thenafterwards they can all sit around the fireplace tell stories ofheroic dragons. until the sun broke through the dark and they'dhave to start over again.

"That would be wonderful.", Subaki thought to himself. If itwasn't for Kana,Subaki probably wouldn't have being able to havemoments like these. For it was his suggestion of a friendly father-son competition that led to the suggestion of a families night in.Kamui and Caeldori were quite fond of the suggestion themselves, andagreed to it immediately.

So here they are now all snuggled together like newborn kittens.Kamui was on her back in the middle if the bed with Caeldori snuggledinto her on the left. Kana was placed in amid him and Kamui on theright side. Subaki then let out a sigh of content, only to come eyeto eye with the most enchanting shade of red eyes ever to be imagined. Eyes only belonging to his beloved Kamui.

"Darling what are you doing awake? You should be sleeping." Hestated with a smile on his face.

With a light laugh coming out of her throat she questioned,

"What about you love? Shouldn't you be as well?"

"Good question. I indeed should be sleeping, but I find myselfunable too."

"And why is that?"He thought for moment, before he decided toanswer her question.

"It's very rare we get moments like these. With all thebattles that must be prepared for as well as fought in, there's notmuch time for us to be in the same place. So when we are finally alltogether, I like to just take in how prefect this all seems youknow?" Grabbing his hand in her soft warm ones she looked him inthe eyes. Red seeing red. A comforting smile grew on her delicateface .

"I know how you feel. So instead of enjoying it alone let'syou and me enjoy it together?" She spoke as she cradled his head tohers.

"What a splendid idea dear. Let's enjoy it together then."He said with a smile full of love.

"Good! Now let's get comfortable.", she said as she held herarms open for him to crawl into. Not hesitating take her up on heroffer Subaki warped his arms around her and his two sleepingchildren. As he laid his head oh her chest, several pairs of armswarped themselves around him and Kamui.

After finally getting comfortable he spoke up again, " I loveyou Kamui."

"I love you to dear." She replied as she moved her fingersthrough his hair, and with a smile on his face, he let out anothersigh. To Subaki the war may not be over with and that's alright fornow. His family rarely gets together, but when they do it's withmoments like these that are filled with pure bliss and unconditionallove. Moments that he wouldn't change for anything in the world.With a heart filled with warmth and thoughts full of love, Subakidoses off to the sound of his sleeping family.

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