A Lilly in Bloom

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Avatar: The Last Airbender


Avatar: From this World to Another


Book 1


Episode 1

Part 1

~Hidden in Plain Sight~

"Making things unreal is what makes them real" ~Lilly of the Southern Water Tribe


I woke up groggily, it has been months since I'd woken up here with a case of Amnesia, I remember about the life I had before. I just don't know how I got here.

"Lilly, I need some help with the chores!" Katara called, I got up and splashed water on my face properly waking myself up.

"What do you need help with today?"

"Me and Sokka are going fishing, could you make sure no one gets hutr while we're gone?"

"Sure Katara, be careful" I told her gingerly.


(I still need to edit this section, sorry!)


The tribe stared at the giant bison just outside the pitiful walls of the southern tribe, I stood petting Appa gingerly. He roared in appreciation. I managed to hop out of the way of him licking me.

"This is my only set of cloths!" I warned the bison who instead settled for a nuzzle of affection. I watched from afar as they introduced Aang to the tribe.

'Maybe I should go penguin sliding'

The thought crossed my mind and before any reasoning distracted me i followed Katara.

"Aang, Katara wait up!" I called as I followed the two, I arrived as Aang started drowning In penguins.

"I never realized how adorable penguins are" I commented as I explained I wanted to come with them.


"Come on Katara, live a little! We'll just be cateful" I said urging her to explore the fire nation ship.

" Alright I'll come" Katara finally agreed.

"Yay!" Aang cheered as we hopped through a hole in the base of the ship.

After my less than graceful experiance with penguin sliding, we had come upon the abandond fire nation ship. I followed Aang as we walked along before we came into a room full of weapons. As Katara explained how the ship had been here awhile.

"Do I look like a hundred and twelve year old man to you?" Aang said

"Think about it, The war is 100 years. Or a century long, you don't know about it because you've been frozen in the ice the whole time"

Aang, seeing our point and realizing we were right fell back.

"A hundred years I can't believe it..." He said.

"There has to be an upside to all of this" Katara said.

"Well, I did get to meet you two" He admitted.

"Great! Lets head out before Sokka gets worried" I said.

We headed out, this time Aang led, much like in the show we ended up getting trapped.

Aang helped me and Katara up after using airbending to hop out, I carefully made my way down alongside the two. Sokka was not going to be happy.




Edited (1)




Unfortunately it's a bit short and this will start off slow. The information at the top is like organization, maybe if someone accidentally skips a few chapters they'll read it and notice. Until then it's just in place to name the chapter and possible Series. I kind of wish i could make more changes but the begining is mostly plot that can't be changed without having a negetive impact on everything.


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