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*play the song at the top* Noah: actually I can't I am moving far away my mom Dosent want me to be around people that were in my past
You: what
Noah: I'm just kidding but I'm not kidding about the moving far away, we are moving so far you can't visit
You: were
Noah : I can't say sorry
You: it's okay
Noah: BUt y/n I want to tell you I will never forget about you and I'll love you forever and thank you for making me happy, and just thank you for everything, just thank you , i won't forget anything ever
You: bible? *you laugh*
Noah : bible *he laughs*
Noah: well this is good bye
You: no it can't be
Noah: I'm sorry
You: goodbye
Noah: it's not a goodbye it's a see you later
You: see you later then *you smile and have a tear in your eye*
Noah: see you later y/n
You: the end
Your granddaughter: that's it, that's the end
You; yeah
Your granddaughter: it can't be
You: yeah it can I was there
Your granddaughter : no it just can't
You: We never saw eachother again but we will forever have this kind of love that won't ever go away
Your granddaughter: that's sad
You: He was the right guy but we picked to love eachother in the wrong life time
Millie: BUt me and your grandmother will love eachother in every lifetime
Your granddaughter : I love you grandma y/n and Grandma Millie
Millie and you: goodnight sweet angel *you both kiss her goodnight and then go back to your room*
*you and Millie kiss*
You: at least I met you because you were better you will hopefully never be the one that got away

Noah: And sometimes I see her in my head dancing in the sun and ice skating in the snow I'll never forget her and I'll always love her
His granddaughter: that sounds sweet and sad
Noah: because that's all I did with my life was worry about her because she's the only one I love sometimes I wish I could go back 80 years ago and never let any of this happen
His granddaughter: is she still alive
Noah: I don't know I'm not sure I just wish I could see her one more time
His granddaughter: mabye you can
Noah: *shakes his head* goodnight sweet dreams
His granddaughter: goodnight I love you
Noah ; I love you too
* The End*

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