Larry Stylinson: The Real Story

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Larry Stylinson is the most talked about thing in the directioner fandom, and yet the two people behind it don't seem to care much about it. Calling the ship, BULLSHIT and LAUGHING at the subject it self. So I did some research and I am going to put Larry Stylinson in a book showing what probably happened and is going to happen. Note: This is my opinion and my story. This may or may not have happened.


Larry Stylinson

The relationship/ship name between two members of a British boy band formed on the British show, The X Factor, in 2010 called One Direction. This relationship is between Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson whom are more than obvious about their relationship but are trying to be reserved for the public eye because Modest! Management are cockblockers and need one up the ass. Therefore, they put Louis in a false relationdhip with "UNI student, "Eleanor Calder"" If that is even her real name, we may never know. But with our reputation, we're bound to find out sooner or later.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2014 ⏰

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