Hospital Pt.1

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Jungkook POV

"Jungkook, jungkookie..." 

I was running through the darkness with Eunice. She was repeating my name as we were slipping through what seemed like a never ending path. Suddenly, I opened my eyes. 

I found myself propped up on a chair in what I recognized as a hospital room. I looked around and saw Eunice laying on the bed. The earlier events hit me and I groaned. I got up to go find one of the doctors to get an update on Eunice's health. I bent over the hospital bed to stroke Eunice's cheek. I quickly stepped outside of the stuffy room and saw my members in the hallway. They saw me and ran over to hug me. 

"Oh my goodness Jungkook. We were all so worried. We received a call that you had been in an accident and we weren't given any other information. Are you okay?" sputtered out Namjoon scanning my body for any injuries. 

"I'm fine. I just had a little concussion with some minor bruises and cuts. Nothing major" I told the guys.  I bent my head down and moved my gaze to the floor. 

Namjoon stared puzzlingly at the room door that I had come out of. "If you're alright, why do you have a room in the ICU?"

I took a breath and with a shaky voice was able to say, "I wasn't the only one in the accident. Eunice is the one in the room. We were at a park earlier and were crossing the street when a car came at us. She saw it and pushed me out of the way. Eunice ended up throwing herself to prevent the car from colliding with her, but she ended up causing a major concussion. The doctor said she slipped into a coma." I then looked back up into the members' eyes with tears welling up into mine. "I don't know what to do. Wha-what if she doesn't wake up?" 

I suddenly lost it. I grabbed onto Taehyung and silently cried on his shoulder. We walked inside of the room and Taehyung led me to a chair. He sat me down on the chair while I buried my face into my hands. While my head throbbed, the boys all rushed to Eunice's bedside. 

Jimin patted my shoulder delicately. Namjoon spoke up, "Jungkook, it's going to be okay. Eunice is strong. She'll wake up soon. Tell you what, I'll go talk to the doctor and you take a walk outside with Taehyung. The other members can stay and watch Eunice." 

I didn't budge. "Jungkook, look at me. You need to take a break. Go outside and clear your mind. Eunice will be here waiting for you when you return."

I got up and Taehyung led me outside. When the hospital doors were long behind us, Taehyung spoke up. "Jungkook, it's going to be okay. Don't beat yourself up over this. Eunice needs you to be strong for her. Just breathe."

I looked up at Taehyung. "But it's so hard. I was the one who told her to meet me at the park at that time. I didn't even get to tell her I loved her." As I uttered the last word, I coughed and the contents of my last meal splayed all over the sidewalk. 

Taehyung watched me and patted my back. After I was done, he wiped my mouth with a tissue he had retrieved from his pocket. "You'll get your chance. Just don't go all psycho on us. It wasn't you in that car."

I nodded. We walked back to the hospital as I quietly prayed that Eunice would be awake. We entered the room where the members were all gathered around the bed.  I went immediately to Namjoon to get news on Eunice. I hoped that she was strong enough to hang on for me and for everyone else's sake.

A/N: Snack sized update. this is something so y'all know i haven't forgotten about the sotry. pt.2 will continue the chapter. thank you for your nice support and comments through this busy time. Again, I appreciate all the votes~❤

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