Chapter 5

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 Eve walked into the study and stopped. They were all there. She glanced at Fallon and could feel the heat rise in her face. Sebastian was right beside him. The heat grew. Fallon gave a slightly mocking laugh that she did her best to ignore.

After a quick glance at Gideon, she took a seat. This time, she wasn't next to anyone. The chairs were positioned differently and it felt like she was on trial for something, the way everyone was looking at her. She licked suddenly dry lips. Why was she singled out?

"Eve," Gideon said, sitting in a chair across the table from her. "I made you a promise."

She nodded.

Leaning forward, he pushed a large orange envelop toward her. "Please. Consider these gifts. I expect nothing in return. I simply want you to feel safe. Well, safer." He leaned back and crossed his leg over his knee.

He looked like a CEO of a major cooperation, she decided, completely in charge and used to being instantly obeyed. The executive look was further cemented when he propped his elbows on the arms of the chair and motioned toward the envelope. "Please, open it." He pressed his fingertips together and watched her.

Frowning, she picked it up. A quick glance around told her that everyone was watching at her.

"Is it going to bite?" she asked.

Gideon gave a twisted version of a smile. "No. It won't."

She undid the prongs and opened the envelope, sliding the contents into her hand. A phone. Keys. She looked up. "What—."

"After our discussion, or during it because I don't expect you to stay till the end, you are going to want to leave." He waved at the things in her hand. "There is a car parked outside the front door. Those keys belong to it. The phone is so that you may call whomever you wish." He paused, closing his eyes.

Why was she suddenly hesitant to hear what he had to say? Why did he look so tired? Defeated? Why did he feel sad?

Gideon sat up a little straighter. "I don't want to sound melodramatic, but I have to warn you. After you leave, if you bring anyone back, while your life may be saved, no one else's will. I told you before, I protect those here. I do so at all costs. Are we clear on that?" He hated the way he was speaking to her, but she had to understand how deadly serious he was.

Her eyes were huge as she looked at him, but she finally gave a small nod.

"Jeeze, Gideon, can you stop with the mafia-speak? You're scaring her more than she needs to be." Alex sat up and gave Eve a quick look. "I really don't think she will be back. Much less with a posse."

The icy look Gideon gave Alex made her feel sorry for him.

"This is uncharted territory for all of us. My apologies if I am trying to save lives." Gideons tone was as cold as her skin. She shivered from the undercurrents in the room. She was used to Fallon's anger now. She was used to Sebastian's emptiness. What she wasn't accustom to was the agitation from Micah, the anxiety from Alex and the sadness from Gideon.

"Just tell me, please? Why do I need threats? Why are you sad? She asked Gideon and his eyes widened at her question. A spike of confusion mixed with the sadness. "Why do you all think I'm going to run away?" She looked at Alex. "What are you so worried about?" A glance at Micah.

He shrugged before she could ask him what was wrong with him. "Listen to Gideon. You'll have all your answers."

She looked back to Gideon. "I'm all ears."

Gideon took a deep breath before glancing at Sebastian. "I've never spoken the words out loud."

Sebastian gave a small shrug and spoke for the first time. "Everything is new... once."

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