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I had realized about this time that it was ridiculous that I was having this conversation with someone who had so deeply invaded my privacy.

"So, Mr. Brilliant, how do you plan on helping me?" I asked him bluntly

"Well I still need to know some stuff about you," he said, "like, what stage are your parents in? Just started fighting or divorce papers on the table?" 

"Its like it should happen any day but they're holding on for something and I just want them to separate already. It would be better for everyone," I explained.

"Okay, here's the plan," Ashton said, "we have to change your image completely. I can see what you're going for here... kind of a grunge look, maybe? Anyways, parents hate people that have my sort of look, I would know-"

"You mean, you want me to be a punk?" I asked him.

He scoffed, "Punk is not a clothing style. Punk is an attitude. The attitude of 'Fuck you, I'll do what I want and please DON'T label me, because I am an individual not a soup can.' "

"Then what's punk music?" I challenged him.

"The same attitude conveyed through music," he snapped back at me. 

"Mkay, so you want me to get a bunch of piercings?" I clarified.

"Not at first," he said.

"And how is this going to fix my life?" I questioned. I didn't see his point, and for that matter, I didn't see why I should take his advice either.

"All your problems started back when you were some stupid preppy jock, right?" Ashton asked.

I nodded.

"Right, so you have to turn completely around. Trust me, it'll feel great. I can help you there. Once your parents see what you've become, they'll break up. I guess they could get back together too, but that never happens, so don't count on it. As for this Lexie, she'll see how comfortable you are with your new place in our fucked up school social structure, and get jealous. Right now, you aren't giving her any regrets about ditching you. And who knows, maybe Dylan might think you're hot stuff at the end of this too," Ashton explained. "Becoming an individual is quite liberating."

Wow, that sounded so stupid. How the fuck would that work? What was his logic? But honestly, I was so desperate for help, I was willing to take advice from him.

"Alright, I'll try it," I agreed. 

"Great," he said, getting off my car and leaning in the open window of his car. From it he procured a handful of CDs. 

"I've heard you playing Nirvana in your car before," he said conversationally. "Good start. Blast these in your car and your room too, parents hate music like this. Especially parents like yours."

In my hands I was holding a few albums

'Never Mind the Bullocks, Here's the Sex Pistols' from Sex Pistols

'Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables' from Dead Kennedys

'Give 'em Enough Rope' from The Clash 

'Box Set' from the Misfits

"Thanks?" I told Ashton as I threw the CDs on the passenger seat of my car. 

"See you tomorrow, Stevie," Ashton said, getting into his car and driving off before I could even wave goodbye. 

Weirdest day I'd had at school in a long time.

Ashton was right though- once my mom heard Dead Kennedys coming from my room, she ran in screaming and yelling about playing horribly explicit music.

And when she asked where I'd gotten the albums, I told her that my drug dealer gave them to me.

a/n thanks for all the reads/comments/votes, etc please keep it up i really appreciate it! also i just want to make a point that my version of punk ashton might be different from other peoples.. i love punk fanfics but i want to make mine different and original. please share with your followers and give me some feedback!

ps all the music i'm including in this book is basically my favorite too :D

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