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"Chaewon ah this is table number 5" Yena said and chaewon ran to get it if you looked at chaewon even you would feel tired

Running from a place to another taking order, getting the order, taking the bill, and cleaning the table as soon as possible and it should be really clean, today because of her bad luck there was a lot of customers

Felix who was looking at her at smiling because of how hard she is working instead of his friends who were busy chatting

"Should we go" Chan asked

"Yeah I am tired I gotta go sleep" Minho said "plus my ass is flat now because of how long we sat here"

"I will stay a little longer" Felix said as he looked at his watch it was 10:38 which meant 22 minutes left for chaewon's shift to end and Felix decided to wait for her

"Okay we will go first pay well" Chan teased

"Yeah loser" Minho said

"Just leave will you" Felix said pointing at the door and they laughed as they left

Chaewon who saw Felix's friends going home so she looked at their table as she cleaned another table and saw Felix is there playing with his drink

She finished cleaning the table so she went to him "why aren't you leaving with them?" Chaewon asked

"To take you home myself" Felix answered honestly and boldly which made chaewon confused

Should I be happy or angry? Should I thank him? Or should I shout at him for thinking I am that easy? Is he being honestly now? Or is he just playing around like every time? how should I respond?

"Excuse me" chaewon was snapped of her thought when a new customer shouted

"Yes I am coming" chaewon said and ran to that table which made Felix chuckle as he shook his head then played with his drink again


Wonyoung stood in the corner while everyone was having fun including yujin who was dancing but excluding hyunjin who was also busy but he was busy looking at Wonyoung who was playing with her phone

So hyunjin went in the crowd where yujin was dancing and dragged yujin out to the backyard and Wonyoung saw all that was jealous?

"Hey I can come myself and plus Wonyoung saw it and now If she likes you she would be jealous so you did your part now slow down" yujin said but hyunjin just ignored everything so she kicked him in the leg hard

"Ow that hurts" hyunjin said holding in the pain his best

"Well it was meant to hurt" yujin said which confused hyunjin "I told you to slow down didn't I?"

"Oh yeah well I dragged you out so you could give me her phone number" hyunjin said shyly

"Give your phone" yujin said And hyunjin have it to her "I thought you are going to compliment my dancing" yujin teased him as she wrote Wonyoung's phone number down

"You dance really well" hyunjin said

"Yeah sure" yujin said pouting as she gave his phone back "I wouldn't give you her phone number but I think there is a possibility that's why I am giving it"

"Thanks" hyunjin thanked her

"And don't be too obvious you rascal you might not know but you are so obvious" yujin advised

"Really?" Hyunjin asked kinda surprised

"Yeah now I gotta go back dance bye" yujin said then left him

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