To The Moon and Back

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        "KARA!" Aryanne screamed running in my bedroom, "What!! and umm how'd you get in the house?" i said confused. "Your dad let me in before he left. And did you see what Luke post about you on twitter!!" She says excitedly. "Ummmm no" I said confused reaching quickly for my phone to check.

Well you catch you up a little I'm best friends with Luke Hemmings and also friend with his little sister Aryanne, I've been best friends with Luke since we were in first grade, I've had a crush on him ever since. I met Aryanne when i was in 5th and she was in 4th. I've never really know if he likes me back or not and i dont want to ask him and ruin the friendship.

I quickly grab my phone with excitment and fear, when i click on twitter i quickly go to Luke's page and see that he posted.....

The post read "Well I've been in love with my best friend since first grade, I'm probably going to regret this but its Kara, please dont hate me for this :("

When i read that I think my heart just stopped, what do I do, do I call him first or do I wait for him to call or text me first? I'm happy but scared at the same time. If we date and do break up would we still be friends?

Aryanne and I are sitting on my bed, "I knew it!!! Hes always talking about you!!" Aryanne said excitedly. All the sudden We hear my phone go off! Aryanne quickly grabs it off the side table by my bed "Ahhhh It's Lukeeee" She says teasing me. I grab my phone from her an answer it quickly.

Me:Hello?         Luke: Umm H-hi Kara.        Luke;What's up?        Me;Nothing,but i saw your post and...        Luke: And...what :0        Me: Do you really feel that way?        Luke; Of course!            Me: Do you wanna like hang out sometime, today maybe?         Luke: Yes, my house at 3 maybe?        Me; See ya then.                                 

"Sooo how'd it go!?"Aryanne begged, "Well we're gonna hang out at your place" "wait would you be mad if i dated you brother?" I asked, "Of course not! Because then you could be my sister in-law" She said with excitment.

After a while i decided to go get ready. Three approached quickly. Aryanne stayed at my house until three so we could just go back to her place together. "Do I look decent?" I asked Aryanne(I was wearing a black short skirt with a Nirvana shirt) "Like OMG you look so cute, Luke will definitely think the same!" Ayranne replyed with a wink. "I hope you're right." I said with a smile.

Now its 2:30 and we are about to head out for Ary's house "Oh shit hold on i forgot something in my room hold on be right back!" I shouted, I ran to my room and when i walked in, i immediately forgot what i came in the room for and my eye went straight to the teddy bear Luke won for me at the county fair. "Oh wow i remember this" I said to myself as a walked over to it. Then before i could pick it up i remembered what i came in for "Oh yeah it was my charger duhhh" i said while running over to the outlet to grab the charger from the wall

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2014 ⏰

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