Chapter Five

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Aria's P.O.V

When I woke I went to reach for Hunter to find the bed next to me empty which is unusual, well unless he is working anyway. I am hoping Brandon aint scared him away from me after their talk last night. I groaned, hoping that was not the case. I pulled myself out of bed, pulling my dressing gown on, decided to go looking for someone. I headed into the living room, the closer I got I heard laughing...Brandon and Hunter. Well least he aint done a runner. I yawned, running my hands through my bed hair as I made my way through to them

"Morning." I said tiredly

"Moring sis." Brandon smiled widely at me

"Morning my love." Hunter said smiling at me too

"Morning to you both. Why are you both up this early?" I asked making my way over and sitting between them both

"Dunno. But we are going for breakfast so you better move your ass and get ready." Brandon said laughing

I groaned, still tired and not quite ready to go out for breakfast. They can at least give me time to wake up before forcing me to go to breakfast with them. The two of them laughed at me and I flipped them off. Is this how this is gonna be from now on...the two of them annoying? It was bad enough with one of them never mind both.

"Come on baby, we should go get ready." Hunter said trying to hide the fact that he was laughing at me

I felt kind of weird him calling me baby in front of Brandon, but Brandon never seemed bothered with it. I guess he will need to get used to it, why not now rather than later. Hunter jumped to his feet, standing in front of me and extending his hand to me. I rolled my eyes playfully before taking it, Hunter helping me to my feet

"And make sure the two you don't get distracted OK? And you know what I mean before you try play dumb with me cause I am very hungry." Brandon warned, a small smirk on his face

"Oh My God stop." I said embarrassed walking away quickly

I hear the both of them laugh before Hunter caught up with me, placing his hands on my hips and kissing my neck softly as we walked down the hall to the bedroom, out of Brandon's sight.

"Aw sorry baby, we are only messing with you." Hunter whispered in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine

"Not talking to are both picking on me." I pouted over my shoulder at him, pulling away and heading into the bedroom, giggling

Soon enough I felt his hands on my hips, pulling me back to him and flipping me around to face him, reaching in and kissing me softly. I tried fighting kissing him back, which lasted like two seconds what can I say I can resist my gorgeous boyfriend and was soon kissing him back. Once we pulled away he pouted at me

"Am I forgiving?" he said, giving me his best puppy dogs eyes

"Maybe if you kiss me again." I said smirking

Hunter laughed, shaking his head at me...his laugh really was beautiful, it makes me heart beat faster every time I hear it. He gave me what I wanted, kissing me again. I wrapped my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss causing him to growl against my lips.

"Mmm baby we should stop before I through you down on the bed and have my way with you." He mumbled against my lips

I giggled, pulling away and decided it would be for the best since Brandon is down the hall and could appear at any time. I stripped down, finding myself some clothes. Would shower later, can't be bothered right now. I could feel Hunter's eyes burn into me as I stripped down and pulled some clothes on. I knew I was getting to him...making him want me which was fun. I love messing with him and he deserves it after picking on me along with Brandon.

"Not fair." He huffed

"Don't worry I will make it up to you baby." I said winking at him

He came over to me, pulling me into him and reached into my ear

"You better, I will hold you too that. I feel like getting naughty tonight, maybe we should book in somewhere." He groaned in my ear, his teeth nip my ear, making me whimper

"Mmm yes please baby." I moaned

Hunter pulled away from me after that, getting himself ready and I couldn't help but watch him as he did. Damn my man was sexy. I bit down on my lower lip as I watched him. He knew exactly what he was doing cause with every moment he was doing it, his eyes were on me. I licked my lips as my eyes trailed over his chest and stomach. Get a hold of yourself woman.

"Baby I know that you resist all this sexiness and want me every minute of the day but get your tongue in sweetheart." Hunter said smugly "And change your panties." He added winking

I could deny it but what use would that be? I decided I would mess with him a little

"Mmm baby the thought of all that sexiness is making me wet, maybe I do need to change my panties." I said in my most seductive tone

He gulped, a bulge soon growing in his jeans. He should play these games with me cause I always win. I winked at him, walking by him and out of the room, leaving him there with his dirty thoughts and his growing hard on.

"I hate you sometimes." He called after me

"I love you too baby." I called back giggling

I hear him chuckling as I head through to the living room. Brandon looked at me, cocking his brow and wonder what the heck Hunter and I were doing

"Yeah let's not get into that, things could get awkward." I giggled

"Enough said." He said, hands in the air

Hunter soon came through, looking slightly flushed and frustrated. I had to stop myself from giggling when I seen him. His eye caught mine, sending a slight glare my way and I could hold it in anymore...a giggle soon falling from my lips.

"Not funny." Hunter huffed

Brandon standing there looking between us both, not knowing what to do or say.

"Dunno what you mean." I said innocently shrugging

I knew he would get me back for it when we are alone...that was the plan though. I wanted that. I gave him a quick wink, licking my lips as I did before heading out of the apartment. Well tonight should be fun.


Good evening/afternoon/morning depends where you are really lol. 

I am gonna try get this book and my other books updated more frequently cause don't like that I am only updating once...maybe twice a week :( it sucks so gonna try maybe update 3/4 days a week if i can but no promises. 

Any of you that read the millionaire player has met his match...the sequel of that is now up to...its on my page, it's called Married to the ex player. 

Anyway hope you liked this chapter...poor Hunter uh? hehe 


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