Heaven, angle, and Vanessa went to the store to get snacks for movie night. And Vanessa fell into a guy. The guy had one all red and black and had a box but his hair was curly and had black brownish hair. And he was about 6'5 feet fall.
The man: Oh I'm so sorry
Vanessa: Oh its okay
The man:awww who's these 2 cuties
Vanessa:this is angel and heaven
The man: Hi
Heaven and Angel: hi sir how are you today
The man:Im so sorry I made you fall (helps Vanessa ups)wow your so beautiful
Vanessa:(giggles)thanks you are to
The man: thanks well where yall head to?
Vanessa :we're heading to the candy store to get candy for a birthday party for heaven and angel
The man: aww its yall birthday (says to heaven and angel)
Heaven and angel: We adopted we really don't know when our birthday is mom just having us a birthday party cause we never had a birthday or a birthday party.
the girl that had a dream
Short Storythis girl name Vanessa had a dream.She adopted two girl named heaven and angle.