Part 10

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Rhona retrieved some ration bars from inside the shuttle and passed them out to the rest of the team.  She stopped by Isamura’s side and pressed one of the nutritious snacks into her hand.

Isamura looked at her and waved the bar from side to side without opening it.  “What’s this?” she asked.

“Ration bar.  You look like you could use something to get your strength back.”

Isamura tore open the wrapper, sniffed at the bar and bit into it.  After chewing for a few moments she commented sourly, “I cannot seem to taste this… whatever it is.”

“It has all the nutrients a grown woman needs to survive,” Caroline said with a glance to the side and a half-smile.

“It lacks flavour,” Isamura complained.

“It’s not like I can just wave my hands and conjure up some pheasant and blueberry sauce.”  Caroline laughed and shook her head.  “How did you think we were going to eat while we were out here, trap wild game, fish in a river, that sort of thing?”

“I enjoy fishing.”

“Well maybe when we’re not pressed for time we’ll go fishing,” Caroline suggested.

When everyone had finished eating, Caroline stood up, brushed herself off and addressed the group.

“Something’s been bugging me ever since the shuttle was attacked.  Isamura, you said that it’s possible for the invisibility screen to be breached, right?”

“If the proper magic is used, it is possible to see the unseen, yes.”

“Fair enough.  How would they have known to use it though?  In advance of us arriving, I mean.”

Isamura shook her head slowly.  “There are those who can see events that have yet to transpire, but they are few in number.  I have never heard of an orc who possessed such a gift.”

“So someone told these orcs that we would be coming,” Caroline concluded, folding her arms and frowning.

“You believe that we were sent into this ambush by Meg?”

Caroline nodded.  “It had crossed my mind, yes.”

Rhona put her hands on her hips and gave a low sigh of frustration.  “If what she told us is all made up to get us killed, then we’ll be no closer to finding a crystal than when we first came here.”

“If that is the case then I am truly sorry,” Isamura replied.  “Many things have changed since I last visited this place.  It may be that we cannot trust Meg, or any of the town’s inhabitants.”

“It was odd that we hardly saw any of them, except behind the windows.  The streets were… deserted,” Rhona said, feeling annoyed with herself for not pointing out the strangeness sooner.

“I suppose that we were too focused on what we wanted, to see what was really going on,” Caroline admitted.  “But at least we’re still alive.  We can find out what Meg’s involvement is in all of this.”

“Sure, let’s go walk into the nest of vipers and see how else they can lead us to our doom,” Macaude said sarcastically.

“I do not believe that would be wise,” Isamura said.

“I was thinking more along the lines of sneaking in when the watch changes,” Caroline suggested.

“It’s possible,” Rhona said with a nod.  “When I was standing watch, I noticed there were a few blind spots that could be used to get past the guards.  Caroline, what if Meg proves to be uncooperative?”

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