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Outside is cold. It's November. My grey and blue scarf wrapped cosily around my neck. I prefer winter from summer it's much more welcoming than scorching hot weather, thirst, painful burns, sweatiness and such. Today, is a Saturday, we have no lessons. People use the weekends for homework or break from it. I do the latter. My homework, always done on point on the day I got it, I am not a nerd but I am organized. I stood in the cold, my legs felt like stone, heavy and my large boots created a large dent in the snow and grass from standing in place for so long. My coat is pretty thin, it gave me minimum protection in this weather. It's been a while since my conversation with Rius, since then though we have become, what people would call friends. Although we were already quite acquainted before, our relationship has gotten better since we met, we conversed often, shared greetings and occasionally gossiped in potions since he was sat next to me. Sirius I have found is quite the drama queen when it comes to gossip, his overexadurated viewpoint makes his anecdotes hard to believe, but I think I prefer hem this way, they seem much more interesting than they naturally would.

I decide to go back to the castle, Lunch is probably going to be displayed in less than a few minutes and I would personally fancy something to eat. I turn on my heels and break into a dash, the chilly breeze hits my bare face and sends frostbites all over me, the castle gets nearer with every passing second. Once I reach the large oak doors leading to the main corridor of the Castle, I push open the doors, I was hit with the warmth of lunch and chimneys burning. The scent of eggnog and cinamon enfatuates my senses and with no hesitation I head straight to the dining hall. I stepped in, people are already huddled in their friendship groups at the tables chatting away, the food has not appeared yet so I choose a seat at the Eagle's table. A few minutes pass and people start gradually filling the seats and Lunch is presented. The food as always warm, delicate and exquisite, the house elfs work so hard I almost feel sorry for them. Almost. If not the fact that they live for work and love what they're meant to be doing, I honestly don't care.

I have three days to make the wolfsbane potion, me and Rius are going to complete it tomorrow, we are making more than he needs due to further use and so that he will not drag me too often make another portion.

I am bored, terribly, utterly bored. During the weekend days I have not got anything to do, I do not want to disturb Sirius either since he is with his friends, I am not friends with his friends and I dont think they would want to be acquainted with me anyways. So I naturally do something I don't necessarily want to do, AKA. go to the Library, the library is busy on the weekend days due to other human beings researching facts and such for their assessments or whatever else they're doing for school work. I personally stay by the astrology section of the library. It holds interesting information, such as the fact that a constellation is called Sirius, meaning Sirius is called after a Constellation.

I sat on one of the squishy armchairs at the back of the library and proceeded to read a certain book about astrological theories and beliefs, this book I have read exactly 6 and a half times, I wasn't able to finish it the last time I read it. Today, like every other boring weekend day I am going to reread the book, from the beginning.

This exercise I have been practicing for around a month now, mainly not to disturb Rius. I will choose a different book to reread in December.

I hate people bumping into me. This boy, a very lanky, greasy haired Slytherin bumped into me and him not acquiring any manners did not even turn around and apologise, I did, but it is natural that both people apologize when bumping into each other. Not only that but my drink, pure black coffee with cinamon spilt over my oversized yellow t-shirt which, might I add, is my favorite oversized T-shirt. Ugh kill me now.

Idk, I dont really like this chapter but here ya go, nobody really read my story except one person but it's fine cause I'm terrible at writing and yeah.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2019 ⏰

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