1. {reward for being patient Dec. 7, 2018}

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First short: drunk off exhaustion
Reason: because I suck and I didn't update for 5 months or so... : )

∆ I was drunk off of exhaustion

I was drunk off of exhaustion. It was feeling too much, and not feeling at all. It was forgetting about all of your problems. My eyes blinked slowly, my reaction time crept by. My fingers twitched to touch the window, my mind drifiting with no destination. My thoughts were slathered in honey, laying chaotically around my mind. I'm swimming in delusional sights, one of them being the blurry street lights flashing overhead. I smiled giddily, on the brink of sleeping, but not quite there. This in-between of two world's was exhilarating, almost high inducing.

I closed my eyes, the rushing of the wind across my face and I was flying. Communication was that of mumbling uselessly and uncoordinated hand signals that looked so much like the objects of my dreams at night. Each street light we passed I mistook for the moon, and all I could think was how could you been in the sky so many times at once. It was laughable, how highly I thought of you. I wasn't ready to sleep. I felt so happy in this strange world. We came upon no other cars, and except for the sound of whiplashing wind, it was silent.

This gave me more time to push my thoughts aside, even through the think mud my mind was currently encased in. I leaned my head back, watching lights bounce off imaginary shapes in the dark. I called them hallucinations for my safety and comfort.

My eyes fluttered over inhuman creatures my imagination had come up with to scare me. I payed no mind to these wide eyed t h i n g s. I ignored them as we pass, and we continue on home. I was drunk off of exhaustion.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2018 ⏰

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