The annual event

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One beautiful day like always in the unikingdom

Richured was cleaning around the castle Hawkoidle and Elli  was training outside his dojo  puppycorn were playing inside the castle while was in her lab while Unikitty was doing her princess duty until she called all her friends for a quick meeting

GUYS DID YOU KNOW NEXT  WEEK IS THE ANNUAL SINGING EVENT said unikitty bursting threw so much  sparkle matter

Oh really wow I didn't know times gose really fast said Rick

Um..guys what an  annual sing event  ask Ellie

Oh well it an festival where everyone in the unikingdom citizen participated in to singing one song in how you feel towards something so that everyone in the unikingdom will know

Really that um..great shyly  elli reply knowing she kind of shy towards singing in font of an audiences

Hey don't worry Ellie  I bet your a great singer plus if your shy I can be your partner to help you sing with you

Said puppycorn with a warm smile in face witch cause her to blush a bit

That really nice of you prince puppycorn and Yeha I would like that we can both sing together

Yeah I'm  going to help my friend sing
Said the little prince waging his tail with excitement
Oh that cool guys come one we got to tell the rest of the town about this and plus we got to get going this is an huge event for everyone come on let's go go go

as unikitty ran back to the castle to get things started before announcing

The big event

As the rest of the gang went to help Uni KITTY make her annocment

Hawk felt happy yet excited knowing this might be his last chance to confuse his true feeling to his beloved crush

If i write an awesome totally cool song about my fox girl she might see me More Then Just A Friend

Yah hawk your a guineas

He said all in his thoughts soon a smile grew on his face hoping this would work

By then as he reach to the castle with everyone else he soon started helping out for the annual sing even

Hope you like this chapter Ellie belongs to cc81094

See you guys in the next chapter bye and have a nice day stay cool and awesome as always bye 😃😄😎😊😉

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