The move part one

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Nicole's Pov

"Wake up,wake up" a aggressive girly voice said which I'm guessing is my sister Sheena I simply replied with a groan "mom! she won't get up should

I pour a cold bucket of water on her cause I already have the water and it's cold?" Sheena said "I'm up. I'm up!"

I said quickly jolting up from my bed and running to the bathroom to look presentable for school I quickly took a shower that was

cold as fuck I got out dried my body and dark velvety blue hair with a towel then brushed my teeth and hair at the same time I finished and let my hair

hang loose I got out and grabbed an outfit to wear today a white crop top with a black skinny jeans and black

combat boots I got out of my room with my backpack hanging loosely from my left shoulder with my silver iPhone 5c

in my hand "bye mom love you" I said grabbing my keys while Nathalee( little sister)

following so I could give her a ride to

school since Sheena wouldn't "love you to Nicole bye" my mom said as we walked out "the last day of hell-I mean school" Nathalee said while running to my Mercedes "yeah I'm gonna

miss the old crappy ass place we called school" I said walking to my car I got in and started the engine "we're here

come on Nathalee"

~After school~

"I officially hate school" Nathalee said with mascara and all sorts of make up running down her now red cheeks while running inside my car to where I was.

"What happened?" I said engulfing her in a hug "he happened."she said while pointing at jake (the hottest 14 year old in her class I personally don't like that man-whore but Nattalie does and if she likes him I have to like him)and tightening her arms around my waist.

"Let's go home Nicole so we can pack our stuff" Nat said (Nathalee's nickname) "wait what?" I said confused while starting the engine and driving

home "Nathalee go inside I'll be their soon" I said "ok Nic" Nat said I got in my car in drove to a place I like to go to

and just think about stuff that know one has ever thought about I got their and sat their the view of England was

just so damn elegant I sat their crying my eyes out until someone came from behind and hugged me it was my

friend Hunter (description:tall, brunette with floppy hair, with a muscular body that is perfectly tanned, and comes from Australia but moved to England)

"What's wrong Nicky" Hunter said with his cute Australian accent "I'm moving somewhere I don't even know, I'm leaving my life just to go to a place I won't like" I said crying "don't cry

You don't know it might be good" he said while embracing me. "K but before I leave let's have some fun"(a/n 'nothing dirty but' ) I said "yeah" Hunter said we hopped

In my car and drove to an abandon mall I took the spray paint from my car and started spelling 'suck my ass' while

Hunter wrote 'yolo' after we finished cops were near so I quickly drove to my house since Hunter lives close I dropped him off said my goodbyes and gave him a long hug. "I'll miss you, Hunter." " Ill miss you too Nicky." We parted and waved goodbye. I then quickly

got home and packed my stuff then went downstairs "mom!!!!! why the fuck are we moving" I yelled since she

was upstairs "because your father got a job in California, the moving truck is here,and watch your language" my mom screamed

"Ok mum" i yelled while grabbing my belongs that were left and ran upstairs "I'm ready mum" I yelled with so much sarcasm for no apparent reason.

"Nicole just get in the car" mom said "kk mum". I ran outside with my phone since all my belongings were already packed in the moving truck .

~when they get there~

"Are we here mum and dad?" I said while looking at a video of baby's eating lemons on my phone "yes we are Nicky" dad said i dont know why people call me Nicky. like no. stahp.

We stopped at a neighbourhood that was small compared to the neighbourhood we lived in England

I got out and ran to a random place which I'm assuming is a park. I then sat on the swing scrolling through twitter until

a tall lanky yet not lanky, black quiffed hair, and seemed like he could be an Asian boy sat next to me....


Cliff hanger guess who the guy is? one more clue he has vine and YouTube

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