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- Kieran -

I wonder how Connor managed to keep his gang activities from Alina for three months when I couldn’t even do it for a few hours.

The way she looked at me was clear enough that she knew I had something up my sleeve and I was even more nervous than I was before. So much for asking Lucy for help in getting the wedding bands.

She advised me to make it romantic for Alina, even if it was a fake arrangement. Said one broken engagement was enough for a woman to take in one week and I should prepare something special for her.

I ditched the idea initially, but eventually whatever heart I had left decided I couldn’t just shove a ring on her finger and mark her as mine for a few more days. I wouldn’t do that to her when I knew behind all that fierceness was a woman wanting to be loved.

I couldn’t give her that, so I’ll give her second best. A romantic night to remember.

We strode down the quiet beach, other than the occasional screaming of kids and parents and huddling of couples, it was perfect. The sun setting cast gentle pink and purple hues across the sky and I swung Alina’s heels in my free hand, the other intertwined with hers.

It was weird, the way her hand fit mine like it was meant to be there. I've never felt this full before.

“You’re acting weird Kieran, I’m not used to you being so quiet. At least do your occasional grunts or something,” Alina stopped walking entirely and I had to face the beauty of her.

It was unfair how I wanted her for myself when I didn’t have the ability to love. The soft rays of the sun kissed her smooth skin and I reached out to caress her cheek, “I’m not a caveman Alina, I don’t grunt.”

She scoffed, “You’ll be surprised to find out how much you do.”

I actually smiled and heard her stop breathing for a second. It felt unusual, the unused muscles of my face stretching into a grin.

“I have something to ask you darling.”

She gulped, already anticipating the worst, “Are you a drug dealer?”

I laughed and even that sounded strange to me, “The only drug I have and am addicted to is you Alina.”

Her eyes went wide and the weight of my words settled in my stomach like a rock. Where the hell were these words coming from?

I cleared my throat, hoping to ease the tense situation, “As your fake husband of course. I get a little too much into character sometimes, I apologise.”

She smiled a little but it didn’t reach her eyes, “It’s alright, you’re doing great.”

I held her face in my hand and pressed my lips to her forehead, feeling her tremble slightly, “Back to my question, I have something to ask you.”

She nodded and waited patiently while I got my wits back together, I could get lost in her eyes and never come back up to the surface. I pulled the little velvet box out of the pocket of my blazer and opened it.

An audible gasp escaped her sweet lips and I knelt on the sand in front of her, “Alina Simmons, will you take me, Kieran Knight, to be your fake husband for the next four days and whatever is left of our pretend honeymoon?”

She stared at me like I popped a third eye and I couldn't help but smile again.

"Kieran you didn't have to," she grabbed my hands and tried pulling me up, it only made me more stubborn.

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