Human Freezer #15

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~~Chat Noir's POV~~

I was talking to Golden Tiger about what I was thinking about while LB was taking out the victim because... yeah... anyway while I was talking to Golden Tiger she suddenly disappeared! I frantically looked around thinking something bad happened to her, then I saw her at the park in a icy domed prison! Since I was on the outter side of the fence I jumped over and ran to her, I banged on the ice but she didn't turn around. I saw Alya was running to her then, Golden Tiger suddenly just fell down and out! I banged harder trying to get Alya's attention or at least the little girl's that was with them.

What am I doing, I could just use my cataclysm! I was about to say my phrase when LB came behind be and grabbed my wrist with her yo-yo, I turned around at her.

"What are you doing Chat?" She yelled, in the distance I could see stormy weather floating away to the T.V station.

"I'm trying to save Golden Tiger!" I exclaimed.

"So you're going to waste your cataclysm?!"

"It's not wasting!"

"Chat think for a moment." She walked closer and started to lossen the yo-yo, "If you want to get rid of the minions' you have to get rid of the boss." I looked at her dumbfounded.

"What does Gru have anything to do with this!?!?" She faceplammed.

"I MEAN, if we take stormy weather out, we take out everything she created, including the dome!" I looked at her, with my hand in the air readdy to use my cataclysm since the yo-yo was completely off now. My hand flew to the dome, but instead of breaking it I punched it without my catalysm...

"Fine, we'll do it your way..." I sighed then started to run after Stormy Weather.

_-le time skip because ye-_

I ran back to the park to grab Golden Tiger, when I reached her she was lying in Alya's lap unconscience!

"She's okay, just cold you'll need to heat her up before..." Alya started, I knew what she was going to say and that she didn't want to say it. I picked up Golden Tiger bridal style and thanked Alya, pounced away on the roof tops to my house. I didn't know here else to take her! I don't know ever she lives, I don't know if she has a boyfriend.... better not.... and I don't know who her family is or if she has family around!

*Beep beep*

Seems like I'm going to find out in a minute anyway! I guess it's fine if I know right? I also hold a Miraculous, she should trust me! I just need to hide from other people. I ran up behind a chimney on a house that had a little bit of a balcony, it wasn't the right time for this to happen, I'm a black chat running around in daylight hours not very secretive... I rested her on the roof so her back was leaning against the chimney, I wrapped my arm around her waist so stop her from falling just incase. I held her close to my chest so she can gain some warmth from me, then she transformed... red Aura surrounded her from top to bottom. I looked at her to be surprised by the presence of Y/n! Wow I should have guessed!

_-small time skip-_

It was around 3:15 now, every five minutes I always looked at Y/n making sure that she is okay, while rubbing my hand up and down on her body trying to cause heat. This time I checked, her eyes' were fluttering open. She made a soft growling noise then sat up and stretched, I sat up too and crossed my legs while my hands placed in the small gap between them. She turned around and looked at me.

"Hey, Chat." She said surprising calmly, she leaned back next to me.

"Hey, Y/n." I said like a little kid, her eyes' shot open and wide then looked at me then at her body.

"Umm.... it's not what it looks like?" She tried to convince me.

"Well it looks like I found the identity of my purrincess." I stated while putting my finger in the air, she hanged her head low then said.

"Then it's exactly what it looks like...." she sighed, I giggled in her defeat. She lifted her head slightly and looked up at me with her sparkling (e/c) eyes'.

"Promise you won't tell anyone..." she questioned.

"Chat's honnor!" I replied while dragging my fringer over my heart to make a cross.

"Hey, what time is it?" She asked while looking at the sky.

"Um... maybe around 3:16 now." I replied, "why?"

"I need to go help a friend in a bakery." she stood up.

"Ooooo! Can I come?!" I asked in excitement.

"No." She replied bluntly.

"Wh- why?"

"Because, you'll eat everything." She replied.

"Fair enough..."

"Anyways, I got to get going." She said then transformed and pounced out of sight.

*sigh* at least I know who she is now!

~~Y/n POV~~

I got to the bakery and transformed back, but around the corner. When I walked into the bakery I was in golfed with the sweet smell of pasteries and other baked goods!

"Mmmmmm, smells good!" I hummed.

"I'm glad you think so." Marinette's voice said, "is Alya with you?"


"Where can that girl be?!"

"Taking videos' of ladybug for her ladyblog." I walked to the counter where Marinette was standing.

"Okay, so basically you are going to be serving the customers' while I make the food."


_- later -_

Okay well it is now.... 5: 23 and we had quite a few customers, most of them were fans but I still got them to buy stuff so win win. I was bored and leaning on the counter, we haven't had a customer for the past 5 minutes...I was twirling my pointer finger on the counter in a circular motion. Then the bell of the bakery door rang, I looked up to see Oliver!

"Hey fancy meeting you here!" He stated while grabbing something from the shelf.

"I could say the same thing." I replied.

"So why are you working?" He asked.

"Because I can." I replied, " and because I am helping a friend."

"Ok." Then the door bell rang again, I looked behind Oliver to see Adrien in the door way waving at me, I waved back with a happy smile, but then it turned dull when remembering: Oliver and Adrien are in the same room again...

Mk guys hope you like the chapter, LOVE YOU! And have a good day!

Word count: 1119

MEW! ((Chat Noir X Reader) book #1 of the MEW! series)Where stories live. Discover now