why did this happen?

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Friday - The day before Maya and Khalid's ball

After school, the princess got onto Maya's carriage. Khalid approached them with his prince friends behind him.

"Okay, what," he started making wild gestures over the girls, "is this, because I don't see any space for me,"

"The girls are coming for a sleepover, Khalid, find your own ride." Maya responded, "Coachman, go,"

"Maya wait, that is my ride," he complained as the carriage made its way into the air. He tried to chase the carriage but realised that he would not be able to reach it anyway. He groaned as he watched the carriage fly further away and turned to his friends.

"Could one of you please give me a ride home," He begged going as far to get on his knees.

James and Zandar stepped back remembering the last time Khalid was in their carriage. Hugo pulled his best friend up.

"Don't worry, I will. I would have given you one anyway," Hugo said. Khalid dramatically hugged him.

"You're a lifesaver I could have been left here for longer than necessary." he wailed clutching onto Hugo. He then straightened up and said "Don't forget to ask your parents if you can sleep round tonight," He then skipped over to Hugo's carriage and sat down.

"That kid needs help," said Jin.

"Word" Desmond awkwardly. Everyone turned to him in disgust.

"Never say that again," Zandar deadpanned.


On the carriage the girls were arranging what they'd be wearing as they made their way to Enchancia to pick up Lucinda and Ruby.

"So, since you guys are my special guests you all have to wear to lace,"

"What if someone else comes wearing lace?" Jun asked worriedly.

"It said only V. I. Ps get to wear lace on the invite," replied Maya. "Now Amber you will be wearing a yellow lace dress, Hildegard a green lace dress, Cleo yours will be a dusty rose kind of dress, Jun I found you the most beautiful lace kimono ever. Vivian you shall wear a lovely red lace dress I got and Sofia, you will wear a lovely mix of pink and purple lace kind of dress."

The girls gratefully thanked Maya for the dresses.

"What about Ruby and Lucinda's dresses," asked Cleo.

"Ruby is a dark red lace dress and Lucinda is wearing a dark purple one,"

The carriage then landed in Enchancia's main village. The princess leaped gracefully off their transport and made their way to Ruby's house. Before Hildegard could even knock on the door it swung open to reveal an eager Ruby being followed by calmer Lucinda.

"OMG guys I'm so excited," squealed Ruby. She then saw Hildegard. "I'm so sorry, Hildegard. About Zandar,"

Confusion clouded Hildegard's face. Suddenly they heard a voice behind them.

"Oh, you haven't heard?" Jade said with an evil smirk on her face. "Prince Zandar asked me to go to the ball with him,"

The sound of Hildegard's fan snapping in half was all that could be heard in the silence. Amber and Vivian grabbed each of Hildegard's hands as they started to tremble.

"Jade what do you want," Sofia said annoyed at seeing her former friend

"Nothing I'm just... informing you that I will be attending the ball tomorrow night," Jade stated.

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