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July 6th

I took a deep breath taking a quick glance at the clock then looking back to the doctor. She was talking but I couldn't hear anything that came out of her mouth. All I was thinking about was pushing this baby out of me.

I never felt this amount of pain in my life. My contractions felt like I was getting kicked by a horse on my lower abdomen. The epidural numbed my body from the waist down which made it slightly better.

I tightly shut my eyes and pushed with everything I had in me while squeezing Zayn sweaty hands.

"We see the head, you're doing great keep pushing" one of the doctors call out

Zayn looks at me wiping my tears "hey it's gonna be okay baby" he reassures. I knew he was secretly terrified but didn't want to worry me.

I quickly nod and took three shaky breaths. I shut my eyes and give one last, hard push letting out a loud groan. I felt the baby slipped out of me and I broke down crying.

My vision became blurry, all I could focus on was my crying baby.

The doctors wrapped my baby girl around a white towel then handed her to me. I felt a wave of euphoria wash over me as I brawl my eyes out at the sight of my beautiful baby girl.

I turned over to Zayn smiling at him and he was crying too. This was truly one of the happiest moments of my life. I wasn't thinking about the pain anymore or everything that I had to go through. From my nightmarish contractions to being in labour for 14 hours. It all went away when I held my beautiful baby girl in my arms.

• • •

October 5th

It's been three months since I gave birth to my baby girl, Luna. I can't say motherhood is easy at all, but I love everything about it. From waking up at the middle of the night to loud cries, to seeing her innocently giggle while playing with her toys. She's the best thing that has happened to me

 She's the best thing that has happened to me

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Zayn was just as happy as me. He completely adored Luna and I could tell she meant everything to him.

We moved out of Zayns apartment a couple months before I gave birth, and bought a nice 3 bedroom home in the suburbs. We needed to move out of his studio apartment in down town, to a calm neighborhood with a spacey house.

I finally launched my online store and it's was doing great. I worked on it non-stop and made six figures in a span of eight months. I was right, Luna did push me to work harder.

I'm very happy with the way things are in my life. It's picture perfect. Almost too perfect. I always fear that something bad may happen anytime

I was currently shipping my last orders with the help of Zayn in my working space. I hear Luna cry out from her room,meaning that she finally woke up from her nap. I'm sure the thunderstorm woke her up, it's been raining all day.

"Go get her babe, I'll finish the rest" Zayn says keeping his eyes glued on the screen, typing away on my laptop.

I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek then jog to Luna's room

We decorated it light pink and grey. I absolutely loved it.

"Hey babbyyy" I coed while picking her up from her white crib. Her cries quite down a bit as I rock her in my arms calming her down

I sit on the white rocking chair in the corner of the room and began breast feeding her.

I felt on her bottom and seen that she needed a change. I go to her drawer and take out the last diaper in there. I mentally face palmed myself forgetting to buy diapers earlier when I went out.

"Hey babe!" I call out

"Yea?" Zayn yells back

"I forgot to buy her diapers, can you go get some for me real quick? I need to feed her"

"Okay". Shortly after I hear keys dangle.

"I love you Zayn!" I yelled. I always tell him I love him everytime he left the house. I'll never get tired of it either

"I love you too babe!" With that, I hear the house door open then shut.

I layed my beautiful baby girl on her changing bed and quickly changed her diaper. I gave her a kiss on her small tummy causing her to giggle.

What did I do to become so lucky?



The rain was pretty bad, so bad that I could barely see the road.

My phone went off and I seen Solé sent me a text. I pick up my phone and open her text

☀️ 💍💖: Babe! Buy me caramel ice cream too!

I smile and glance up at the road then back to my screen. I wave my fingers across my keyboard thinking of a cute reply.

Next thing I know, I hear a loud hook causing me to shoot my head up. My heart dropped as I seen a huge truck headed towards me.
All I see is two large head lights before I gripped my steering wheel slamming-my breaks.

Everything went black

Y'all are probably upset with me. Stay mad it's my book 😘

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