She's a midnight rose who vies for the pale moonlight, as her petals have been singed to a crisp by the sun
And when the sun turns to rain she melts into oblivion.
But a star cannot fuse with an asteroid or a rose with a nightshadeAnd in that place I met you
The rolling hills and
The tall grass swaying in the midnight breeze
I saw you
I saw us
I saw us breathe, and live
And loveI saw you there
Poking through the dirt
And there
I left youI left you because
You are too beautiful to be anywhere
But thereAnd every year
On those hot summer nights
The faint breeze floats through the open windowA hint of nostalgia drifting with it
And the swaying roses and watchful moon
Hymn together in perpetual harmony
I sigh
A reminiscent sigh
And the scene is far from meThe cicadas join
In the blackness of the night
And their notes of despair come shrilling through the small-hour air-@doctor_video

My Midnight Rose- A Poem
PoetryA poem which explores the uncertainty and fragility of loving someone with all your heart whom you know deep down is not right for you.