"Don't you just want to run away,
From such people
Who cannot satisfy your needs
As a dove
Who cannot reach
Being afraid is like one of the most easiest, but facing your fears... it's just so hard. That's what my mom told me before. And I have been believing it ever since.
Fears were just a creator of good characteristics. A challenge to face may improve ourselves.
"To build strong character," my teacher once said. "Is to face fears. Like in a book, Divergent, one's last test must be to test their bravery through the means of a fear landscape. Wherein you face your fears. The more you have fears, the more the difficulty hardens."
And I believed her. Because of this, I tried to face my fears. I went up on top of the Eiffel Tower to face my fear of heights. I have ran away from home to face my fear of leaving my family. I have walked in the darkness, without any light or guidance, alone to face my fear of darkness. I have ignored my friends to face my fear of to be left alone.
But I then realized, facing my fears do not strengthen me. It wrecks me. What calms me down and helps me up; what strengthens my will, my faith and my soul, is poetry. Because of poetry, I have learned to live; to be free of the chains worn on me. I am a free soul with poetry. I can listen to myself sigh in relief without any disturbance.
I am free.
Teen Fiction'poetry: a group of words most likely created in forms of sentences ending with rhyming words. "once upon a time, i lived in a castle, with a king and a queen, but had nothing to say about the way they judge or the way they sang because poetry is th...