Lack of Conflict (Work in Progress)

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It had been a rather calm week at Hogwarts, during the month of November. It was one of the calmer days for the golden trio, nothing extreme was going on except professor Binns droning on again about giant wars.

Harry sat at the back of the class with Ron and Hermione, taking notes though barely paying attention. His head was swimming with an unknown fogginess, as he struggles to keep his head up and eyes opens. Harry was nudged a couple times by Hermione, when he had nearly fallen asleep. He snapped his head up, though pain shot through it and he groaned softly.

Ron glanced at him at his groan of pain. "You a'right Harry?" He asks in a whisper, taking heed that his friends face was paler than normal.

"'M fine. I'm fine." He mumbled a bit and blinked in an odd exhaustion. He stared at the ghost professor for a few minutes, noting the sweat that had gathered on his forehead and neck. "It's just. Really hot in here." He stated and shook his head vigirously to keep himself awake, though it was a rather bad decision.

"It's actually decent Harry. Are you sure you're all right?" Hermione asks with an obvious look of worry and concern upon her features.

"Yes... I'm fine." Harry nodded slowly after taking a moment to think on whether he actually was okay or not and deciding to lie to his friends. He held his head up with his hand, overwhelmed with an exhaustion that otherwise has never been felt by his body in a long time. His head lolled forwards onto the desk as he drifted asleep only to be snapped awake by being nudged by Hermione. He sighs softly and blinks slowly, staring off into space his head light with an unknown fog.

Soon the class was dismissed and next was transfiguration. The three walked along the halls to the classroom, Harry falling behind the group trying to not collapse from dizziness. "Guys, wait up." He calls in a shaking voice trying his best to keep up. The boy held up a shaking hand and gripped the wall coughing lightly, his body shaking with the effort to keep walking.

Hermione waited as Ron continued on, extremely worried about her friend's well being. She walks over and pats his back gently. "I do hope you're all right Harry. You're looking quite pale." She spoke in a soft and calm whisper to him as they went the rest of their way entering the transfiguration classroom.

Harry nodded swallowing harshly against the sudden nausea that had risen in his gut. He placed a hand gingerly over his churning stomach, perplexed at the reasoning for his sudden illness. He had definitely felt fine earlier. He was struggling to recollect when he had started feeling rather ill. He had wracked his brains and remembered that his throat was sore previously that morning before breakfast, but that had quickly gone away. Harry was so deep in his thoughts he had not realized his name being called until he was pulled from his foggy mind.

"Mr. Potter, your essay?" Professor McGonagall stated her hand out for his parchment, in the other was everyone else's essays. Her eyes stared at him taking note something was wrong with the boy.

Harry moved slowly and weakly, shaking as he pulled his essay out from his bag and handed it over, his other hand still lightly over his stomach as he swallowed convulsively. He face was ten times paler than it was just five minutes previously. He was afraid of speaking for fear that his stomach would betray him and more than words would spill from his pale lips. 

Minerva's stare lingered on the trembling fifteen year old Gryffindor, before she continued on.

*To be continued...*

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2018 ⏰

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