~The Witch~

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Mere's POV

I sat on the edge of my bed watching the clock tick slowly on, why did this always happen? Why when I find someone to love did they have to be working for Eric? Who's Eric you may ask, well only the head of The Mort, Whats The Mort you may ask, only the realm of Vampires, Werewolves and Warlocks.
You also may ask why don't you live there, Well that's for all the evil Vampires, Werewolves and Warlocks and Witches so I don't live there.

I got up and stretched out my arms above my head, I walked over to my wardrobe and picked out a burgundy jumper, a pair of black jeans and my favourite black high heel boots. When I had pulled on my clothes I walked over to my desk and grabbed my power crystal necklace.
"Merideth you're going to be late!" My mum called clearly irritated that I was still in the house.
"I'm coming down now!" I screamed back.
I put on my necklace and left the house.

I walked into the school and just sighed I hate this place and the people don't make it any better. You have your stereotypical popular bitches, the popular boys urgh, the 'nerds' who study and are great at magic and are quite powerful and then there are me and my friends we are the most powerful witches in the whole of Blacktree and BlackTree Academy For Witches.
"Hey!" I heard a familiar irritating voice call from behind me, I turned around to meet eyes with Conner.
"Conner, What the fuck do you want?" I asked not wanting to deal with his bullshit this early in the morning.
"Language, I just wanted to ask what's it like to be a nobody?" he smirked clearly amused I looked behind him and saw his squad (gross)
"Number one: I am not a nobody, 2nd I'm very powerful ill have you know and 3rd I enjoy not being a basic bitch who can't do magic properly" I aimed at all of them except the last point I smirked looking at Conners girlfriend and her mates.
" you wanna go, Meredith?" Lexi (his girlfriend) smirked looking around for my backup I had none but I didn't need any.
"Sure" I giggled she ran at me I stood still and clicked my fingers and stopped her in her tracks.
"What the fuck?!, undo this now!" she screamed with her annoying voice that goes through my head.
"Shut the fuck up for once in your life!" I growled I clicked my fingers again this time sewing her mouth shut.
"Meredith, what the fuck have you done?!" Mark her second boyfriend yelled I clicked my fingers and sealed his mouth shut.
"My names not Meredith, it's Mere get it fucking right!" I smirked turned on my heel and walked off, I clicked my fingers and heard clumps of heels stumbling and gasps for air.

~First period~
I walked into the dimly lit classroom and slumped down into my seat, this is what hell looks like..right?
Around me a dozen kids my age (18) sitting around showing each other something funny they had posted about that one kid, the popular kids keep bullying trying to get recognised by the popular kids but failing miserably.
"Hey!" I heard an enthusiastic voice call from the back of the classroom, I turned around and there was my best friend in the whole world..Alex
"Hey" I attempted trying to sound happy but failed, Alex face was suddenly painted with worry and concern.
"Are you alright, did he contact you again?" Alex was throwing out answers like they were going out of style, I laughed at her effort to guess why I was feeling depressed.
"No, thankfully Eric hasn't tried to contact me....yet" I explained what happened this morning and earned my self a good strong high five from Alex.
"That's my girl, you showed Conner and his squad that you are VERY powerful, GO YOU!" She cheered at the top her voice gaining lots of stares.
"Shhh" I shushed her but it was useless we just burst out laughing.

'May Meredith please report to the Heads office, Thank you' mused the loudspeaker.

"Fuck, that's me busted for this morning" I whined getting up and shoving my chair neatly under the desk
"Good luck!" Alex smirked from behind me, I turned and flipped her off before leaving the classroom and stepping into the busy halls.

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