Chapter 7

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The picture has nothing to do to the story. From now on, I will add random pictures, or just videos, or both. That is all. Bai and I hope u enjoy this chapter!!! :3

Toby's POV

Wha..? Where am I..? I panic slightly. Then I remember the events that occured yesterday. I look slightly above me to see Masky. I feel him holding me protectively. I smile and nuzzle more into his warmth. He groans quietly before opening one of his eyes and looking down at me.

"Jesus christ you're cold..." He mumbles tiredly.

"I know." I reply. He chuckles before sitting up and I nearly whine at the loss of warmth. He was right. I was freezing. My skin felt ice cold. Masky gets up and pats my head.

"Oh, and you don't have to do any missions today. Slenderman said you could stay in here all day if you want." He says. I nod.

"O-Okay..." I mumble.

"What's wrong?" Masky asks.

"Nothing.... I-I just dont wanna b-be alone.." I mutter. Masky smiles lightly at me.

"Don't worry Toby. I only have one mission today." I slightly light up at this. Masky chuckles and pats my head a final time before grabbing his mask and leaving the room. I stare at the door. Wait.. What if Hoodie comes in?! Oh god pleaaaaase let Masky's mission be quick!! I yawn.

Tired already twitch?

Shut up.

God, calm the fuck down. Jesus. We aint here to piss you off this time. Just came to chat.

Tch. Why?

We were bored!!

Yeah right. Look, just fuck off.

Hmph. Fine. Jackass.


I yawn again and fall asleep.

I awoke to someone gently shaking me. I open my eyes and see Masky. I smile and hug him. He chuckles and pets my hair.

"Happy to see me?" Masky asks.

"O-Of course!!!" I say happily. Masky yawns but takes off his mask and smiles nonetheless.

"T-Tired..?" I ask. Masky slightly nods.

"Yeah...." He mumbles.

"Then why d-don't you sleep??" I ask.

"Heh. You are precious." Masky says and pats my head. I purr in response. Masky lies down and I lie next to him as he holds me protectively. I smile.

"G-God you're protective.." I mutter.

"Oh shut up Rogers." He mumbles. I look down.

"Aww. Tobes. I'm sorry." Masky says as he nuzzles into my hair. I giggle.

"Its o-okay.." I mumble. Masky yawns before he goes to sleep. I smile lightly.

"Thank you...." I whisper to myself. Masky's grip tightens a little. I look at him and see he's shaking. I gently hug him.

"P-Please calm down, M-Masky...." I mumble. He twitches slightly in response and whimpers a little. I hug him slightly tighter.

"Please... T.. Tim.." God I felt weird saying that. But Masky seemed to calm down as he stopped whimpering and his grip loosened a little. I smile and continue to lie in Masky's hold. About an hour or so later, I hear the door quietly open. I silently nudge Masky a little and he wakes up.

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