" Study group tu apa? "
" Study group tu, duduk ramai ramai dengan kawan kawan, pastu main handphone pastu hilang masa depan."Haa,teeepuukkkk!!🎉
Member aq cenni arh..include me!wuhhooo! Bocoq rhsia!
Dear Quotes[√]
General Fiction"Life is like a movie and you are the main character" Book 2 from ayat-ayat~ keep vote and read.
Study grp
" Study group tu apa? "
" Study group tu, duduk ramai ramai dengan kawan kawan, pastu main handphone pastu hilang masa depan."Haa,teeepuukkkk!!🎉
Member aq cenni arh..include me!wuhhooo! Bocoq rhsia!