Christmas Special

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Smut Ahead and its not apart of the main story ;)

Oh yeah Merry Christmas and Happy holidays

P.S- i dont expect it to make sense im just writing shameless smut pffttt

P.S.S pffttt so my friend said its more cute than smutty. So i just flopped pfftt

Eren's Pov (its all in his pov)

It's Levi's birthday. He thinks I don't know but oh is he wrong (thanks Erwin and Hanji). That delicious sexy short man. Ugh it's been a year since that damn detective took me in, while I am grateful, he still treats me like a kid. But today I'll show him I'm a man. I'm 19 now and he's 25. It may be a 6 year age gap but hell if that stops me from getting my man... if only i had that kind of confidence.. anyways.

The detective is away right now so I have time to prepare my gift. Lets just say i found some very interesting things about him..


I was snooping around Levi's private room while he was at work (he'd get mad if he knew) I got curious after awhile of not knowing what was in it. So without further ado I stepped in unannounced. It seemed like a normal room but I knew he was hiding something if he restricted me.

I opened the closet and was greeted by....

A maid outfit...


I turned red as a tomato as I kept looking. I found so much kinky shit... whips, ropes, sex toys, candles... OH MY GOD LEVI HAS A YAOI DUNGEON.

Of course my little hunter found this fun ... down boy (A/N:hes talking his dick pfftt)


As I finished putting on the maid outfit, laid out the kinky stuff and wrapped myself in a ribbon I heard Levi come in.

"Eren. Where are you?"

"In your room! Please come up."

He walked up the stairs and I'm so nervous as I laid on the bed. He opened the door and stared at me as I laid on display.

"M-merry C-christmas and H-happy B-birthday." I said shyly "I'm your present please unwrap me."


I looked up at the detective and his bangs covered his eyes.


He looked up and a shiver ran up my spine. Oh lord. He's looking at me like a predator.

"Eren" he called my name in a husky voice "where did you find this?"

"Well um I kind of went into the forbidden room. I'm sorry."

Within 3 seconds I was pinned to the bed with Levi above me staring at me with those beautiful silver eyes I oh so loved. My heart skipped a beat when I remembered the situation I'm in.

"Oh Eren. I didn't want you to find out about my dark side. But since you're so willing we'll have some fun with it." he whispered into my ear as he nibbled.

Sadly for me my ear is a sensitive point so I let out a small mewl.

Levi froze and for a second I thought I heard something shatter (A/n: hehe that was Levi's self control prepare thine ass gayger)

The ribbon was torn off my body and I was pressed flush against the bed. Levi slid his hands up my skirt and palmed me. I moaned as I felt his skilled hands rub me.

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