Chapter 1: Loneliness

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Clementines P.O.V
I woke up early today, somewhere around 4:00 o'clock in the morning. I check my phone and go on Twitter for drama, still nothing. I sit up in my bed with deep thoughts.
I wonder if I've ever drank milk from the same cow... then I hear footsteps by my door, I froze. I hear giggling, then a piece of paper slid under my door. The footsteps fade and I hear a door shut.
"Aj..." I mumble. I walk over to the door and pick up the note. I read the note out loud,
"I wanna be tracer?" I whispered confusedly. The fuck, what does that mean? I throw the note in the trash and walk back to my bed.
"Well Clem, you got a long lonely day ahead of you." I whispered to myself. I turn off my lamp and just like that, I feel asleep.

I wake up, expect everything was more quiet. I look around to see my old room, and I was in a tinier body as well. I get up and look around the house. No one was here.
"Mom? Dad?" I scream, Just echos of my voice I hear. I hear a car pull up in the driveway, I was hoping it was my mom or dad, but it wasn't. I look out the living room blinds seeing a black Toyota pull up in the driveway. A women in a business suit with a man also in a suit behind her. I run and hide behind the couch as they open the door.

"Clementine? Hello?" The lady yells. I slowly come out from behind the couch.

"H-hello?" I manage to let out those words.

"Clementine, we're here to pick you up." The women says as she crouches down to my level

"W-where are my parents?" I ask.

"Clementine, you're parents... are gone. We're here to take you somewhere where other people can take care of you." She manages to say. I was shocked, I said nothing but ran out the door. It was no use the man picked me up, I was crying and kicking, but it was no use.

"NO! I DON'T WANNA GO WITH YOU." I scream, But it was too late. I immediately wake up in my room like everything was before. My cheeks felt hot and it felt liked I had been crying. I wiped my cheeks and eyes to wipe away the tears."It was just a nightmare Clem, you're fine."i whisper to myself. I get up and go to my mirror, I remember that day like it was yesterday. To many things went wrong that day, hell it was the worst day of my life.

I brush my hair and check the time on my phone. "7:35? I thought it was later then that,". I go downstairs to see A.j watching Disco Broccoli.
" Hey Aj, watcha watching?" I ask.
"I'm watching the new episode of disco broccoli!" He exclaims. I nod my head and continue to make breakfast. I pour myself a cup of coffee, make my eggs and toast and start eating.

"Hey clem.." Aj said as he walked over to me.
" Hey what's up?" I asked.
" Me and Tenn are hanging out somewhere around noon, c-could you take me to his house?" He asked
"Sure why not, did you ask Lee?" I ask him. He nods his head and heads back to the living room. I finish my coffee and clean up my dishes once done. I go to the living room and sit down on the couch for a little while. I check Twitter to see some drama, there's none. But a guy by the name of "Louis🥳" followed me. I follow him back not thinking much of it and check it profile

"Hm, he's kinda cute." I mumble to myself. Since we recently moved here, I didn't have any friends, So I was lonely half of the time. But I didn't mind. I get a text from Sarah who used to be my best friend back in Georgia.

C= Clem
S= Sarah

S: hey Clem how's it going down there?
C: good I guess, haven't really talked to anyone
S: it sucked that your uncle had to move because of his job
C: yeah but it's nothing really, u apply to any colleges yet?
S: no not really.
C: oh well that's cool, I'll talk to you in a bit cya later
S: byyeyyeey

Time skip 2:34 pm

Me and Aj get in the car as we're driving to his friends house. I turn on the baseball game on the radio to see who was winning or losing.
The Chunichi Dragons we're losing so far. Oh well.
"Is this the house?" I ask Aj. He nods his head yes and opens the door. I go with him just to make sure it isn't the wrong house. We ring the doorbell, a girl that had short red hair, and looked to be around my age answered the door.
"Oh hi, you must be Tenns Friend, Aj isn't it." The girl asks. Aj nods his head as he sees Tenn on the staircase.

"AJ!" Tenn says Running up to Aj. They do a handshake and hug each other. Aj says bye and runs upstairs with Tenn.

"I haven't seen you around town before, are you new?" The girls asks me.

"Oh yeah, we moved here just about a month ago." I answer, she smiles.

"Oh I'm sorry where are my manners, I'm Minerva but my friends call me Minnie." She says. "What's your name?" She asks me reaching her arm out to shake my hand

" It's Clementine, but people call me Clem for short." I answer. I shake her hand, and before she could say anything else I hear another voice upstairs.

       " MINNIE? IS THAT THE MCDONALDS DELIVERY GUY? I HOPE THEY DIDN'T GET MY DAMN NUGGET ORDER WRONG FOR THE THIRD TIME." A voice shouts from upstairs. I give a confused look as a girl with blonde shoulder length hair came down the stairs and stood in front of me.

        "Whoops, sorry I thought you were the delivery guy." She apologized. "Hey I'm Violet, nice to meet ya, and you are?" She stares.

        "I'm Clementine, Aj's cousin. I just dropped Him off an-" Violet cut me off
         "Wait, isn't she that girl that Louis was talking about earlier today, and he was saying like how cute she was or something." She asked Minnie
         "Oh yeah, he was." Minnie answered. Then I remembered about the guy names Louis following me on twitter earlier today.
        "I think I remember him following me on twitter or Instagram or something." I said.
         "Oh by the way, what's your number?" Minnie asks. I give her my number. And along with social media as well. We talk for a while and got to know each other. About 15 minutes or so pass by until I realize I gotta go home.
  "Hey guys I need to go, I'm kinda tired." I said. They nod their head and said goodbye
     "It was nice meeting ya!" They both say smiling at me. We say bye and I eventually leave, maybe this year won't be as boring as I thought it would be.

Okay, thanks for reading. If I have any spelling errors please remind me. Also I was cringing at this the whole time so yeah. Thank for reading and I'll see you next time. Bye🦹🏼‍♂️

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